So, yesterday i decided to surf the On Demand menu and watch a movie. First movie i found that seemed even slightly worth watching. Crank. Hence the title. Anyway, Crank is that movie that came out about a year or so ago about the guy who gets poisoned so he has to keep his adrenilin up as long as he can. The storyline SUCKS but the action is pretty cool. Along with a hilarious sex scene, this movie's not all that bad. The endings pretty stupid but w/e. All in all, maybe a rental if ur an action junkie.
Main thing I wanted to say is that I finally beat Trauma Center today!!! Now the word finally... I use it not because i've had it a long time, but because of how much effort it took. Hella hard game but soooooo fun. I'm currently beating the X missions which are absolutely insane. I beat the first one and it was tough to say the least. Anyway, storyline's pretty bad but not so skippable bad. Kinda amusing. But some of the missions are just so tough, but it's not a bad tough. The missions all have a time limit of about 5 minutes (with a few exceptions) so replaying it isn't a huge hassle or anything and none of them seem impossible (with the possible exception of the last 2 missions in chapter 6... ugghh....). Anyway, amazing game and a must get for anyone who has a Wii. Well, i'm gonna go try to beat the X missions now. Peace all!