Ok so plenty of things. First off, i'll answer all ur questions in a second but first I have to address the elephant in the room. The Jeff issue. First of all, no i do not support Jeff being fired for his review. If that is the whole story, i think that's insane. In response to this along with some other issues that GS has been having, I have cancelled my TA account. Secondly, I am not leaving gamespot. As long as my friends are here, I won't leave. My loyalty is to them, not GS and it's always been like that. Ok, glad you know my point of view. Now onto the questions!
@MrHankeydinks - Did you enjoy working for me and pcslack3r.net? And would you like to do it again? Yeah I loved workin for ya and PCSlacker and I would gladly do it again. I was sad when it died X_x. If you bring it back, i'll gladly come aboard again :D
@JoannaDarkxoxo - what are your top 10 favorite games? And Whats your favorite console? http://www.gamespot.com/users/Katosepe321/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=m-100-25006257 and http://www.gamespot.com/users/Katosepe321/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=m-100-25006257 are links to my old blog about my fav games. Just replace Pong with... hmm... God of War.Yeah, that game was awesome. And my fav system is probably my PS2.
@Zalzar - What is your full name, your social security number, your mother's maiden name, your fathers mother's maiden name, and the numbers of all your bank accounts. My full name is Devin Hawthorne "Katosepe" Sloane :P
@Mr_Manga - do you have any pets? if you had to choose on console series that you would name yourself a fan boy wich one? ( example Playstation Fanboy). If you only could have one game console and its games wich one would you choose? I've got 3 cats. I try and be as unbiased as possible and don't consider myself a fanboy of any system. But if i could only pick one, the PS2. or if it was this gen, then 360.
@dobbybrook - wtf does katosepe mean??????. what part of the chiken is the nugget ????? . what is better WoW, guild wars, LOTORO, or some other mmo. and just then i was browsing your game review s and noticed a question that must be answered .... who the f**k buys a game called space cowboy .lol. ... kapeesh... Katosepe is my name :P. It's the name I was confirmed under. Devin "Katosepe" Sloane. I don't know! Guild Wars = ownage MMO cuz it doesn't charge you monthly. And the Space Cowboy game is awful!!!!! I didn't buy it, it's free lol.
@Danutz - why did you subscribe(TA) to this site ? your eyes color ? do you have a gf ? why do you hate emblems ? is Battlefield 1942 a great game ? why do you love me ? why do you have 140 users on your friends list if they don't post/comment on blogs or videos ? why do you stopped making video blogs ? you still don't know how to solve Rubik's cub, why ? your fav game ? do you hate HALO and Guitar Hero series like me ? what music do you listen ? your fav band ? and why am i so annoying with those questions ? I subscribed originally to enter a contest but i couldn't enter it anyway cuz i wasn't 18 T_T. Then i kept it going to support gamespot. I have blue eyes. Yes i have a gf. I don't hate emblems. I've never played BF1942. I luv u cuz ur awesome! :P. I have 140 users because even if people don't post on my blogs, i like posting on theirs. I stopped making video blogs because i lost my firewire cable. Nope i can't solve a rubix cube cuz i suck at life T_T lol. My fav game is chrono cross. I love halo and guitar hero! I luv rock, my fav band right now is Three Days Grace or Linkin Park. And ur so annoyed with these questions cuz u wrote more than anyone else lol.
@Dobbybrook (again!) - how do you get all the ranks like popular and old skool etc ? To get the emblems, you have to do a variety of different things. Popular, you have to have a certain amount of friends, old skool u have to have games in ur collection from long enough back.
@Wrecks - Who's Jeff?? Jeff was a reviewer for gamespot and he led most of the events that gamespot held. but now he's fired.