Hey everyone! I've been seeing these around other places and I figured it might be kinda fun. Now that i'm getting my numbers back up, I decided to do a little Q&A for ya. Basically, you comment and leave me any questions you want me to answer and i'll answer them all in my next blog post.
As for rules, there aren't any! Ask me absolutely anything you want and I will answer. That means gaming/personal/lifestyle/whatever questions! I'll answer anything. I'll post the answers in a few days probably. Whenever the comments start dyin down. Peace everyone and ask away!
*UPDATE* A lot of people have been PMing me about the whole Jeff thing and I want to send out my split-second answer. First off, I want to tell you what I'm pretty sure on. I know there are a lot of stories flying around everywhere and until anything is confirmed, this is what I believe is true for sure. Jeff was fired/let go/whatever because he gave the game Kane and Lynch a bad review after they put a lot of money into Gamespot.
Anyway, I want to throw out there that if this is true, I am absolutely disgusted by Gamespot. However, I won't make any judgments until something is absolutely confirmed. Regardless of what happened, I respect Jeff and wish him the best in whatever he does in the future. As for leaving Gamespot, well, thats a little more complicated. The only reason I stick around here is because of the people here. If the people leave, I'll leave. If the people stay, i'll stay. I have no feelings of loyalty towards gamespot or any other site. However, I have decided to make a stand against them in a small way. Honestly, Gamespot has been really crapping up lately and it's not just this incident. With all the mistakes and stuff they have been doing, I decided to cancel my Total Access account.
Ok, as for the questions, I will still answer them as planned and for those of you who asked a question about my TA account, I will answer as if I still had it. Ok sweet! Glad that's all cleared up! I'll decide what to do for sure at a later date. Peace my friends and keep the questions coming! :D