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Sry guys, no injury stories...

Hey everyone! I'm back from Schweitzer. Not so sure it's good to be back tho. Sure i've got Gamespot, my cell, twilight princess and berserk to come back to, but i've also got my family (who can be annoying as hell like most families :P), school and some other crap i have to deal with. Meh.

Anyway, Schweitzer, well turns out there were horrible conditions on the slopes so the sledding hills were closed when we got there... Psh weak. That means no injury stories like i promised before :(. Basically, we just kinda hung out up there for most of the weekend. The lodge we stayed at was owned by one of the other churches we went with and it came with an air hockey table, pool table, ping pong table and a foose ball table. So that was cool. I played buttloads of air hockey lol. Other than that, we watched two movies, one was that 13 going on 30 chick flick movie (still not entirely sure why we watched it...) and it sucked. It was slightly better than i expected but that was only cuz my expectations were so incredibly low. The other movie we watched was One Night with the King which is a bible movie about Ester and Xerxes (the bad guy from 300 if you've seen that lol) who were apparently really influential in the bible and Israel. Didn't know that. It wasn't too bad but it wasn't incredible either. Just kinda an average movie. Not too much else happened but it was tons of fun. I got to just kinda sit back and relax, hangin out with a bunch of my best friends so never a bad thing. And sometimes it's a good idea to get rid of all the technology for a little while (albeit the DVD player and laptop we used to watch the movies :P).

Also, on friday during school, we had a field trip to a Japanese Skit and Speech ContestĀ for Japanese class which was freakin awesome! Our school just started the program so we only have japanese 1 and 2 and we had one skit for each class. Both of our skits won first place and my class (japanese 1) won a spirit award too (which in this case is a good thing!) so that was freaking awesome. I left early due to the Schweitzer trip so I don't know how one of my friends did in the speech part of the contest but hopefully i'll see her tomorrow and hear some good news :D.

Lately, I've been thinking about something kind of important but I don't want this post to be too long so I'll hold off till next time. Just be forewarned that my next post will be a lot more serious than this one. Wow, that sounds weird ending the post like that... sounds depressing :P. I promise it will (hopefully!) be worth reading lol. Peace!