Hey!! So I've been playing supreme commander a whole bunch and I decided that, since i'm only playin the multiplayer, i don't know enough about it to write a full review so i'm just gonna post about my thoughts.
So me and my friend Schnebes (don't even try and pronounce it right lol) have made it a daily thing to play a game of supcom against increasingly harder odds. We always play on a team and our last match was against 4 comps: 2 medium horde comps, 1 balanced hard comp, and 1 supreme comp. Since he's had it longer than I have, he's a helluva lot better than me but i'm getting better every day so pretty soon, it'll be close. Usually the games have him swarming guys in the middle as a defense while I make nukes in my base to blast the hell out of the enemies. now, about the RTS itself, it's really fun and that means something since i hate RTS's generally. You can zoom out to fully view the whole map which makes it a lot easier to pay attention to a bunch of things at once. Also, the maps are gigantic which means taht it takes time to get your units to the enemies base. Now this can be a good thing or a bad thing. If your a typical RTS fan, you'll probably hate this but if u love making complex battle strategies then u'll probably love it. Overall, really good game although really demanding. I recommend it!