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The "Important" Blog Post

Hey everyone! So in my last post i said that in the next one, i had something important to say and here it is.... BUT FIRST! A little news lol. My friend was selling some PS2 games so i went with him to EB games so he could sell them and lucky me, they had a copy of Fable: Lost Chapters for 10 bucks! Woot! So i pick that up (after having to wait for my mom to get here since i'm not 18 and its M) and I'm looking forward to playing it right after this!

K my important thing. So lately, i've been talking to some people about this one person i know who has been really depressed lately. Not really emo, just kinda depressed. These people i talk to have all been saying the same basic thing. "I don't really like talking to her anymore cuz shes depressed and it really wrecks my mood." I really, really don't like to hear this. It's one of the most selfish things i think i've ever heard. You're friends with someone and then, when they're going through a rough time, instead of helping them out when they so clearly need someone, you ditch them because u don't want a mood-killer. I think one of the most important parts of being a friend is to be with that person no matter what. That's a true friend. Not just someone to be with when they're in a good mood. It's one thing if the person seems to be perpetually pessimistic and gloomy. That's sometimes just the person's personality. But if you're friends with someone that's going through a rough time, don't just ditch them because u don't wanna have to deal with it. You should stick with them and try and help out in any way u can so that they can get through it and get on with life. Maybe its just me, but that seems like the logical, nice thing to do yet i've been hearing the exact opposite so often lately. Just wanted to throw my opinion out there.

So sry, if this wasn't the really important, ground-breaking post u were expecting, but hopefully, at least it gave you something to think about. And now, off to play Lost Chapters!!! WOOT!!! Peace everyone!