Hey everyone! So the time has come for me to let u guys know a little more about myself behind the (kickass) elfen lied picture. First off, random thought, Don't u think they need to make a New Super Mario World? super mario world was, IMO, the best super mario game ever. And i'm not complaining about New Super Mario Bros. but playing super paper mario, i was thinking thats what the series really needs since we never really got a good sequel to world... BTW, check out my Wii Code blog if you haven't already. anyways onto my main point.
So, my names Devin and i would put a pic up but i'm way too lazy. If u wanna see me, check out my myspace at www.myspace.com/katosepe and theres one of me under my pics. Basically, i'm just entirely a gamer. I've been gaming since 4-5 when my parents got my bro and I a Sega Genesis. I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog so don't be dissin on him in front of me lol. I do admit tho, that all the recent games have been crap (haven't played Secret Rings yet tho so i'm hoping for something good from that), but the originals still kick all ass and i even have it on my cell phone just to hear the music hahaha. Now i have an Xbox, Playstation 2, a Wii, a PSP, my gaming comp and a sega dreamcast (which still does own all! Power Stone FTW!)
So outside of gaming, i'm also an actor. I've been in 4 independent movies, 2 of which haven't come out yet. and have a small part in an upcoming TV show called Demea. check out www.myspace.com/demeatv to learn about that. I've been acting since about teh same time i started gaming, when i started doing every school play we had (the list is over a page long). Pretty obsessive and maybe it helped, maybe not but it was fun doing them. Nothing's funnier than watching an 8 year old playing Danny Zucco in Grease.
Finally, i'm a pretty strong Christian. I do swear and stuff, i'm not like one of those uptight, if-you-do-anything-wrong-you-go-to-hell types but i do go to church all the time and am actually a youth leader there. We do some really cool stuff and it's really fun. I know a lot people say that people only go to church becuase they don't wanna go to hell, but i honestly do love going. Tons of my friends go and there are plenty of cute chicks that go (which is never a bad thing :P) and the sermons are actually interesting. But don't worry if you aren't christian, i'm not the evangelistic type AT ALL so don't worry about me trying to convert u or anything like that lmao.
Maybe it's cuz of how my parents raised me, or maybe its cuz of my religion but throughout my life, i never judge anyone no matter what they have done or who they are. I also make sure to help out anyone who either needs or wants my help for whatever reason. I think thats my best trait so i decided to write it here. That's basically it about me i think. If you wanna ask me something more specific or whatever, comment or pm me. I'll answer basically anything.
Well, continued prayers for the Virginia Tech victims and i hope everyone has a freakin awesome weekend! Peace!