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The Universe Never Fails To Surprise

Hi everyone. You may remember me or you may not. I used to be incredibly active in the Gamespot community until something happened that unfortunately made it necessary to leave for a while. A LOT has happened since that day about 6 months ago. Since this is a gaming website, I'll start with the games that I have received since then.

First of all, I finally managed to get an Xbox 360 in one of the most astounding ways possible. A kid who I kind of knew decided to give me his for free. Amazing yes? Well, this kid happens to be one of the nicest people on the planet and when his 360 got the RRoD, he sent it in and decided to buy an elite instead of waiting for his old one. So, when the Pro came back, he simply gave it to me. So all the 360 cost me was the cost for a controller and some games. I now have Halo 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance/Forza Motersport 2, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising, Lost: Via Domus and The Darkness. Also, another bit of kindness I received while I was gone was from someone who is not so much a stranger to me. My girlfriend decided that she wanted to do something nice for me for the hell of it so she went out and got me Rock Band for the 360. Yup, the whole special edition thing with all the instruments and everything.

But not all was good that happened, I got a lot of DS games too while I was away but unfortunately, my DS along with the Professor Layton game, was stolen from me. So I gave my DS games to my gf (since she plays DS games mostly) and am trying to ignore all the games that I can no longer enjoy T_T.

But while I was gone, a lot more happened than just gaming stuff. As cheesy as it sounds, I learned a lot about myself and everything. I've learned who I am and gaming is just one small part of it. In about 6 weeks, I will be leaving for the University of Montana so that I can study Creative Writing and hopefully, sell the book that I am working on. While I am there, I will be working the vast majority of my time and may not have time to come onto gamespot at all. I might, but I might not, I'm not sure.

But that's enough about me, I want to know what all has happened in my absence. If you want to talk about big news, please tell me that too, I haven't really heard about anything other than the recent Diablo 3 announcement. Peace my friends!