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Today is a good day for mankind!

Hey everyone! as the title kind of suggests, this is basically the sequel blog to yesterdays depressing rant about Heroes and TV shows in general. First off, Lost. Just saw (and confirmed from Skategame that i'm not the only person who heard it lol) that Lost has been confirmed for 3 more seasons and no more. What this means is, an ending for lost is in sight, and the writers actually do have a plan for what they are doing (despite constant rumors they are just making this up as they go :P). So the show will end in 2010. Also, the last five minutes of the season finale on may 27 (?) are supposed to show viewers where they plan on going with the show. Hopefully we'll know if the story is supposed to be scientific or super-natural this season :P.

K Heroes. After reading about the bad reviews, i've been hearing tons of things that suggest more seasons of Heroes have already been planned. One, Heroes is, for sure, [spoiler] going to have a cliffhanger ending. [/spoiler] this suggests that there will be more seasons. However, Invasion did the same thing and, as everyone knows, it didn't work so well for them. But there are also people saying that the second season was confirmed before ratings dropped. Also, this season has been a bad TV viewing season all around so they could be counting on the fact that next season, ratings will be back up. So, right now, it's not a confirmed thing (as far as i know) but it's not a for sure thing that there won't be a second season. My hope is that it will come back since i don't think i could stand another of my fav shows being dropped (Invasion was first... :( )

Finally, my theories for the two shows!


I'll start with heroes since i have to come up with some theories for Lost :P. K well, I think that due to the invisible man's training, Peter will be able to control his power right now but something will happen with Sylar and everyone that will cause him to lose control. Judging by the previews, it looks like Sylar has accepted his destiny (that Issac drew in the pictures) and is now actively trying to blow up New York. Also, due to his psycho mom, it looks like it's now his goal to become president (although we already knew that he did from last weeks episode). So, on to what i think will happen at the end, I think that they are going to somehow stop Sylar and also stop Peter from exploding, but future Hiro will come back and tell them that the world is not yet saved. How this will happen, i'm not totally sure yet but I think that it will end with future Hiro coming back again, just like he did originally with Peter.


Hmm... Lost is tough. It seems like we don't have enough information to really make theories here. Well, if you've been with this blog for a long time (which I don't think anyone was here when i did this), I talked about the online Lost Experience thing that gave some clues as to what was going on on the island. Basically, we found out that the island was originally run by the Hanzo Foundation (they have logo's all over the place on the island and had fake commercials running during the show last season) who started the Dharma Initiative. The Dharma Initiative was started after the Cold War in fear of a nuclear holocaust. Basically, after the cold war, the U.N. started secret research in order to find the exact date of the end of the world. They found it but no one knows what it is since the mathmatician who found it, Endo Vallenzetti, killed himself and burned his writings. We do know that the key to his equation is in 6 numbers. Take a wild guess what the numbers are hmm... yup, 4 8 15 16 23 42. Anyway, back to the Hanzo, they started the Dharma Initiative in order to change these numbers and essentially, postpone the end of the world. Good thing right? too bad they were using human research subjects and killing off entire towns in order to do this. Pretty bad stuff. They would send doctors into small towns claiming they were ending an epidemic when really, they were starting one. Bad stuff. Except it was ended in the 70's. Concerning the island, it was the location of one of the Dharma Initiative's head research facilities. No one knows why they ended it or what happened there but we do know that the electromagnetics were made so that no one could ever find the island. That's as much as we know from the Lost Experience so from here on out, it's all speculation. I think that The Others, namely Ben, are left overs from the original team of scientists that came to the island for the Dharma Initiative. Maybe they decided they wouldn't stop trying and stayed behind to continue their research. Who knows, maybe they still are using the Losties (main chars) as some kind of psychological research. But it's hard to know for sure with the whole "your dead." thing thrown in there. My only explanation of this (if it is a scientific explanation and not supernatural) is that the Hanzo still hasn't given up on the left over scientists, and manipulated the people onto the plane (this is an almost for sure thing since they all know each other from places in the past and many people were manipulated onto flight 815 by the same person) and then created a second flight 815 and crashed it on purpose. They would then make fake logs to make everyone assume that everyone on the plane really did die. This seems pretty far-fetched tho so i'm not too sure about this theory.

Well, hope you weren't too bored reading this lol. If you have theories on either show, plz comment with them! I love hearing new stuff about both.