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Top 10 games of all time! Do they deserve it?? (Part 1)

As most of you all know by now, Super Mario Galaxy has recieved the honor of number 1 game of all time on Since i'd never seen the list before, once i heard this, i had to go and check out what the top 10 games of all time were according to them. What I saw, really surprised me and inspired this blog. I'm going to go through the list of games, one by one, and evaluate if they really deserve their placing or not.

*DISCLAIMER* This blog is entirely my opinion and is just based off of my personal experience. Also, these are notreviews of the games, if i say a game does not deserve to be onthe list, it doesn'tmeanI think it's a bad game. Just notin the top 10 of all time.You can disagree if you want, just don't bash me k? woot! here we go!

1. Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy

Ahh... Super Mario Galaxy. Just released and it's already gotten number 1 game of all time. Is this too hasty for them to do? Honestly, before I got it, i thought so. I was thinking that it had to just be a bunch of fanboy babble. Boy was I wrong. I just got the game about 2 days ago now and I already know that it definitely deserves to be on this list. The question is where? Does it really deserve number 1? I think it's far too early to say. The number 1 game of all time should be a game that lasts in spite of time. Since the game's only been out for a little more than a week, it's impossible to tell how long this game will last. So number 1? Maybe in the future, but for right now, i think there are other games more deserving.

Final Verdict: Undeserving of #1. Deserving of the list.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeHonestly, I shouldn't have to talk much about this game. Almost 10 years after it's release and holding top game of all time for 9, it should be pretty obvious that this game is as deserving as any. I've never been too much of a Zelda fan, I'd go so far as to say, i didn't like Ocarina of Time. But there is no way that I can deny that this game has made more of an impact than just about any other game ever made.

Final Verdict: Deserving

3. Metroid Prime

Metroid PrimeMetroid Prime... this is a tough one. On the one hand, it was a huge shift for the metroid series, which is definitely influential in the gaming world, as well as a completely new take on the first person shooter genre. It's the first game i can think of that does a really nice job of mixing both first person shooters and adventure gaming. And this kind of revolutionary system is what makes a game truly deserving. On the other hand, it doesn't do nearly as good a job as Metroid Prime 3. But because it was the original and was the one that really revolutionized gaming. I have to give it a...

Final Verdict: Deserving.

4. Soul Calibur

Soul CaliburSoul Calibur, while a huge hit now, was practically unknown at it's release. Even fewer people know that it's a sequel to a playstation 1 game called Soul Edge. Most of you are probably saying now, "wow I didn't know that!" that further proves my point that this game was truly an unknown. This fact makes it ultimately, a very surprising win on the Top 10 games list. It proves that no fanboy or franchise reputation swayed this game's victory. In my opinion, it is the best fighting game out there and remains so even today.

Final Verdict: Deserving.

5. The Orange Box

The Orange BoxFor those of you that haven't read the top 10 list, this one will probably surprise you. I know it did me. I want everyone to know right now, that despite my opinion about this game being in the top 10, it's a great game that everyone should get. I do believe, however, that it does not deserve a place on this list. My reasoning is that together, these games are all great. Alone, they each would have been pretty good but not amazing. A compilation of a bunch of pretty good games, despite being an awesome value, does not belong on the top 10 games of all time list.

Final Verdict: Not Deserving

Tomorrow, i'll post my opinions on 6-10! stay posted! Peace everyone!