Hey everyone! I'm happy to say after my last blog about how busy I was, my schedule's going to be getting a lot more open tonight. I'm gonna change my schedule so that i'm only working tuesday's and thursdays because after considering it more, with my current work schedule, i'm would miss every Skyline football game (football's really big at my school), all dances, and all movie days with my friends. Honestly, I could live with the first two (although missing all the dances would be tough X_x.), but I live for hanging out with 3 of my closest friends and going to movies/Red Robin. It's always been really fun and I honestly don't think I could make it through my senior year without it. So anyway, that's going to change which inevitably leaves more time open for you guys! That means i'll be posting on all your blogs (disclaimer!! sorry if i miss one or two, it's not on purpose X_x) and stuff! Yay!! Also, if I get something to talk about, i'll make another video blog. Right now, i'm seeing about making a video review about some game so we'll see how that goes.
In the meantime, please check out this video. It's actually just a song. It's called Hands Held High by Linkin Park although it's very VERY different than most linkin park songs. It's entirely rap but even if you don't like rap (I don't), please check it out. The message is very important, I think. I don't mean to offend anyone by playing this. If you don't agree, that's totally alright. Please comment whatever your beliefs are. I won't flame as long as you don't.