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yay new games!!

Short blog post today. Sorry i've been almost completely inactive for the last few days. Various reasons. Anyway, if you read my last blog, you know that I just recently completed the first Resident Evil game. To follow up on that, I just ordered Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. I'm really, REALLY happy about Code Veronica X since I have the original Dreamcast version but it's glitchy (got it from my friend for free but he didn't take very good care of his games so...). It freezes up about half n' hour into the game. Try and go through a door and black screen... sux. So anyway, I'm probably gonna play through Code Veronica X first then go to Zero. After that, i'm gonna try and find 2 for a reasonable price (found a used copy for 40 bucks! BS!!!). Probably not gonna play 3 cuz.. well.. i hated it when I played it for the PC.Sux ballz. It would probably be fine if it weren't for the stupid Nemesis following you around everywhere, preventing you from doing anything useful, always shouting out "stars...." in it's really computerized voice... anyway. That's a rant for a different day. CVX and 0 will probably be here in about a week - week 1/2. Can't wait. K peace everyone!