I like shooters and action games much more than strategy/role playing stuff. I love good graphics including anime and so forth. But the women in many games are simply pathetic. The only really enjoyable game with something resembling some "fan service" (gratuitously visual female characters) would be Heavenly Sword, and there is done with such style and understatement that it really is hard to call the characters Naruko and Kai "fan service". But they are plenty easy to look at.
Now take inFamous. Fun game and everyone looks like they came out of Eddie Bauer (Eddie BowWow to the locals) catalog. Since part of the production was done in Seattle, apparently they took that city's dress code on a very brisk day and made everyone except the bad guys dress to it. And there were zero cuties. Even Trish, the major hearthrob/heartbreak of the protoganist was done very so so. Note So-so means kinda average, not great, barely good, if that. Okay, there is one woman that wears something skin tight. Sasha the crazed bad girl gone way way over the edge. She was a touch of fan service, as was the person voicing her. Yeah, she had a tongue like Vampire Squid (Hey they really exist!) but the rest of the package is okay and she doesn't dress like a soccer mom.
So now I'm hunting games that are playable and feature something nice to look at the same time. It doesn't have to be the dreaded "H" since almost any PC is a better platform for something on those lines. Bu I don't mean High School Musical or American Idol either, though you can adjust their costumes to make some of those singers a bit more interesting. About all I've seen is offered is Wet. Okay, there is probably Laura Croft vaulting around too, so I guess I could invest a bit in Tomb Raider: Underworld. So I will probably spring for Wet in the future, though some of the screen captures make Laura look interesting, particularly in her high cut outfit.
I remember seeing another game with barely clothed cheerleaders that were some sort of hit squad, but when I looked up the ratings on it a few months back, it was rated "pathetic" or something like that, in the 5's or low 6's. So as it stands now, if you want something cute to look at and some quality console time, it's Heavenly Sword.
Does Sony think they are really selling all those playstations to girls? They have some sort of wanna-be fixation on Wii? Oh well, if anyone has some suggestions for eye candy fan service and playable, let me know please. It is a wasteland, or better said, a void in the Playstation Universe as far as I am concerned.