I enjoy playing the PS3 and I rely on reviews when buying games, simply because I have limited funds and there is no rental or reselling where I live. So each time I buy, it will sit on my shelf for month and months to come. In general, I have found the critics to be pretty good, except when it comes to Metal Gear Solid. You can see my review for why, but if you are a buff of the series don't bother, I know why you like it and that is fine. It just doesn't fly for a gamer looking for some game play, not half a dozen cut scenes to wade through. And I learned from it.
Okay, what I am really whining about is when I started writing my own reviews here and assigning numerical ratings, particularly the numbers. I rated Resistance (the original) as 8.5 and I did the same for Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Both got the same numerical rating and, honestly, I enjoyed playing both very much. So far so good. But I went back and replayed parts of Resistance many times, something I didn't do with Uncharted. And that makes the money I spent and the enjoyment of the game greater, in my book.
So perhaps I should bump Resistance up to a 9? But I have 9/9.5/10 as choices for the very best games. Sometimes the storyline and artwork will get me going, sometimes the intrigue and problem solving are so well balanced I am called back time and time again, sometimes it is just the fighting, maybe weapon choices, maybe just tactics and strategy, but I play and replay mission again and again. I save the high ratings for those . And I haven't found a reliable way to assign those numbers. I feel if I assign lower numbers, the game may never get played, if I assign high numbers, it doesn't allow for signifying any real differnces.
I found my time and money better spent on Resitance, but Uncharted was a worthwhile purchase and time well spent gaming. I need to sort that thing out. So I may edit my reviews from time to time as I play more games and, more importantly, think about rating them. I need to develop a more systematic way for assigning numbers to games. If you see one of my game reviews go up or down numerically, it's just me working out a bit of angst.