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The Compleat Whiner

Okay, my previous blog was about the lamentable amount of Fan Service (gratuitiously sexy females) in PS3 games. And my scathing review of MGS4 (Metal Gears Solid 4)for its extensive use of cut scenes kind of makes me appear a rather myopic PS3 player, or at least one with blinders, particularly when it comes to MGS4.

Well, dang it, for sure, and it does! One of the nice things about MGS4 is the game play, quite excellent for the most part(give me a break with the fist de cuffs on top of the nuclear submarine), but when fighting with the Beauty and the Beast Corps, there is also some pretty appealling visuals and each of the cyborg girls (with long tails of woe from PTSD) usually try a "get close and intimate" number with Snake so they can finish him off just before he kills them.

Two other characters, Big Mama and Naomi, are drawn with some sex appeal too. So, while I whine about the the long and intrusive cutscenes that labor on and on about the history of the conflict, doing extremely little to advance the plot, and instead become some sort of onanistic orgy of fiction writing/story tellingthat wouldn't get past a beginner's writing class, the women are attractively drawn, though not full on fan service, but moving well in that direction. There is one "cheat" that lets at least one of the women of the Beauty and the Beast Corps to straddle Snake while he is laying on his back. A nice little visual as they drain his life. Works for me on a couple of levels, maybe be a metaphoric visual for dominant women draining the life of submissive men, but maybe they didn't mean that at all. Just food for thought after you lay down your controller, eh?

So I will still be looking for some risque titles on the PS3, but that offer some immersing game play.

And a seperate issue, I finished playing through Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction a few times and found it to be more fun than I initially did when I first threw it in the console and gave it a spin. I let it sit for a week or two, when finally, poverty and boredom drove me to play it just to pass the time. After a bit, I realized I was enjoying myself. And occasional bits of humor that work pretty well. Good enough to get me to put subsequent titles of the serieson my "to buy" list when I get a few extra coins to rub together.