it seems like (majority of the time) if it's a multi-platform game, the game will usually look better on the 360 due to it being easier to develop on. The ambience in the PS3 is nice but it does make everything seem blurrier. When it comes to exclusives, the PS3 will win most of the time due to the super-effort put into those games, however, the 360 will majority of the time. Now with that being said, I don't think that graphics are the only component of a game that makes a good game. Gameplay must be outstanding as well as story and such. I think that there are some quality games on the 360 as well as PS3, the PS3 has had more than a year to reclaim its strength but it's represented itself pretty bad with just trailers and delays. Now, due to the huge library that the 360 already has, the xbox is already in the lead, no doubt. On the last note, people need to stop screaming the word FANBOY every 3 seconds, it's so annoying. Just because people don't see your side or you don't like, you start labeling people fanboy. That's very immature and stupid. It's true that 360 is better at this point but you can't help it since they've had quite the lead. Also the graphics engine in the PS3 is far different than the 360 so it'll be harder to make the multi-games look on par.
actually it's quite an improvement. i think that people are comparing GoW with H3 way too much. GoW is more like a gothic dark time graphic while halo is more a vibrant world. And also seeing the videos the graphics look much better than it did halo 2 and the physics look much better also. And just because it's a beta doesn't mean the graphics are going to get better, it's the done version, they're just testing out the multiplayer aspect of the game. It might get "slightly" better, but don't count on it, regardless it still looks great.
Kayos90's comments