To be honest, if you think that the Sony press conference sucked, you're being too harsh and setting expectations too high. They had three systems to cover in just an hour and a half, and they really managed to cram a lot of stuff in there. You want to see a terrible press conference, just download Nintendo's. I've been with Nintendo since the SNES, and I must say that I've never seen a press conference suck that badly...But I'm getting off topic. The Resistance 2 video (the Leviathan one) was pretty thrilling, and really fueled the fire of my anticipation for the game. The Littlebigplanet presentation that was used to announce the Greatest Hits line, among other things, was charming and hilarious. inFAMOUS is looking about as great as I had hoped, as well. Adding a movie download service to the PSN was a good move, and there are plenty of great studios onboard, so I'm totally hyped up for that. The service should be live by TONIGHT (not at this exact moment, for everyone freaking out about the current lack of movies on the PSN.) There were also a few new PSN titles announced, most of which we found out nothing about (that was a bit dissapointing) but the new R&C game for PSN looks like a lot of fun imo. As a PSP owner, I was overjoyed to hear about Resistance: Retribution (it looks stunning), Patapon 2, and Locoroco 2. It's not a lot, but certainly reason enough to keep the system around. The only dissapointments for me were the GoW trailer and the ending of the show. While the trailer for GoW looked stunning, it was just CG and I was hoping for gameplay. Also, while 256 players online is a huge accomplishment for MAG, it has to do more to distinguish itself from other shooters. I was hoping for the show to be closed with a trailer of Uncharted 2 or Heavenly Sword 2. No such luck. Overall, a fun and cool show, though. Thus ends my extremely long winded impression of Sony's press conference.fmobliv06
I'm going to have you credit there. Sony did have to cover all of their systems but they shouldn't have spent so much time on their PS2. Still I do think that they should've shown more gameplay and confirmed release dates. Regardless it was an okay show but a little weak.
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