can't tell if serious or just retarded or just trying to use sarcasm:PÂ duchebags who buy games with online DRM and call themselves PC gamers are the worst kind of gamer alive.:roll:
Buy online DRM = thank you for but f#cking me Blizzard I'm a retarded homo and i like it,please continue BF'ing me every game you make,heres my $ 60.00 please harder don't stop...I like getting screwed by corporations I'm an idiot ,go Romney      :)
Kazilgrom's forum posts
ok thanks for your help
You're not helping I'm trying to find a way without doing thatBuy a wireless router.
I have a cable modem connection to internet I'd like to know if there's a way to transform it's signal to make it wireless so I can use my ps3 online. If there isn't can I just buy something to split the ethernet into 2 wires and plug the one that doesn't go to my pc in my ps3?
Thank you
ok I'll repeat it, of course they are! they are both pcie they are compatiblepenpusher
you still didn't answer the other question though
anyone can help?
well of course they are they both have PCIepenpusher
So I don't have to watch out for anything else than what kind of plugs they have?
I have to get a new video card and I also need a new processor to get the one I want so I was thinking of getting
are they compatible?
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