Ok. Thank you for pointing that out. I have a medical problem that even had my neuologist scratched his head over. (I told him to put his name on it and become famous in the medical journels.) I'm slower than I used to be. Sorry! I try.
Pacific Assault seemed a little crazy. After I died, the other sounds continued for longer than I have seen in other games, though they should have stopped. There was no quit screen. It just went away. I love computers! Always something different to drive you nuts!
I spoke too soon! I tried to play Spearhead. It got me to that room. The top sign said Spearhead. The bottom sign said NEW GAME. I tried to click on NEW GAME but as soon as I put the curser on it, the words NEW GAME disappeared and nothing happened when I clicked. Same thing with Spearhead. Looks like I traded all 4 games for Airborne. When I clicked on the WAR CHEST disc, it just sat there and looked at me funny. The only reason I bought the 10th Anniversary was because I thought there was one I didn't have. Turns out I had all the originals. Hey! Gimme a break! I'm almost 63 with medical problems. Maybe the rich people controlling the government will put me out of my misery in one of their FEMA camps next year. Maybe I'll die tomorrow. I just want a little fun now and then. Being out of work at my age sucks. I'm spending my children's and grandchildren's inheritence to pay bills. My wife is really pissed about that. (Maybe she wants to trade me in for 2 31 year olds.) (Good luck on that.) So it doesn't look like any of the games work I'll try Airborne next and then look for other games. (I probably screwed-up all of them.) I just noticed I have Half-Life.. It didn't give me any problems.
I have Vista and NVidia so my Ageia PhysX, as somone else here suggested, is NVidia PhysX so I uninstalled that. Airborne works but when I hit escape it doesn't give me a QUIT choice. It just returns me to the game. After repairing (re-installing) Breakthrough works. Same with Spearhead but now Allied Assault doesn't work. I guess I'll have to try to find NVidia PhysX and install that when I want to play Allied Assault and when I want to play Airborne, uninstall NVidia PhysX and re-install Airborne. That's a little more than ANNOYING! Or when a new game that looks good to me comes out, I'll wait 6 months or a year and check the blogs to see what the problems are before I decide to buy it. Or not buy it.
OK. I reinstalled Allied Asault. Guess what. Go ahead. Take a guess. IT DOESN'T WORK! I have a thing about WWII. I don't know why but I do. My father served in France. I served in Vietnam. Tuy Hoa amd Danang. A barracks in Danang (366th Tach fighter wing) 3 doors down was a place I went to often. A friend had a top of the line stero system on the 2nd floor. My family and my girlfriend talked me out of extending a 2nd time. A month after I got back, I found out that barracks was hit by a rocket. Maybe I'm here on borrowed time. EA needs to have more respect for Veterans of Foreign Wars. I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS! FIX IT! NOW! You need to send a patch out to EVERYONE to fix this problem.
OK. I took out NVIDIA PHYX and ran the install. Airborne works now but I tried Allied Assault and when I click on START GAME nothing happens. WTF! Is this a scam game? Does EA have any idea of how to program a game? This should not be happening! We should not have these problems! I'm sorry I paid for this garbage.
I have Vista Home Premium and searched including hidden and system files but could not find Ageia Physx of any version. Please give me a hint of how to find it so I can eliminate with extreme predjudice.
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