I think the main problem is that Blizzard made the game way too casual. For a lot of peoples tastes. Vanilla wow was my favorite computer game of all time. I still have yet to down AQ 40 and Naxx at level 60. Vanilla Wow was special. I remember getting attuned for Onyxia and being there for the first time getting chills. Danger in the main game was around every corner.
I remember doing Uldaman for the first time and feeling the same way. Riding out the the dungeon for the first time. Before it was nerfed. Elites wandering menacingly on the outside. One wrong move and you were dead. In the main game as well. They should make a separate server for hardcore players. Players that want to have there balls handed to them. Complete with skill trees Hard dungeons. Elites wandering the landscape. Bring back meaningful world questing attunements. So these legendary places feel well legendary. Make epics rare again. Screw dungeon and raid finder. That's what mounts are for. Use warlock skills for summoning. Makes game feel lived in. Makes spells seem useful. There is a dangerous world to explore.
Not anymore the game is full of noob cry babies. That want epics handed to them. Dungeons that you can farm with your eyes closed. Even on heroic. Give hardcore players there own server to play on with there own version of the game. Minus all the noob stuff.
If noob players try this server and don't like it then let them copy the characters back to the noob server and let them cry there. Instead of ruining the game for the rest of of the community that started playing a non dumbed down noob game. That was amazing!! I log into Wow now for a couple hours now and find myself board out of my mind from lack of depth and challenge. Please Blizzard at least bring back Legacy Servers so I can play my favorite game of all time again!
I hope they don't use that Illuminati piece of crap Jay Z for the soundtrack this time. That made me skip 2k 13. Youtube search Mark Dice Jay Z Illuminati. Or Google Illuminati clothing Rocawear. If you don't believe me. The pictures on google search say it all.
I hope they don't use that Illuminati piece of crap Jay Z for the soundtrack this time. That made me skip 2k 13. Youtube search Mark Dice Jay Z Illuminati. Or Google Illuminati clothing Rocawear. If you dont't believe me. The pictures on google search say it all.
I agree with you 100% games sell systems. Make some awesome games to show off this hardware in the palm of your hand! Come that’s what everyone is waiting for listen to the forums. I will incite one very strong example the Ps3 which was not selling that many units until developers got on board with this thing. I mean the Vita is amazing bringing Dx9 quality graphics in the palm of your hand!Anybody listening Valve, Sony, I'm talking to you. wasn't the Ati Radeon 9800 128 mb 3d same as the Vita?
I mean they showed off this card with Half Life 2!! Come on developers get on board We want a Half Life 2 for the Vita To show this hardware off!!!This kind of quality games is going to sell your system . We will start taking your system serious when you do . ((As a current Vita owner I am unhappy with system for this reason Sony listen we are telling you why you system is not selling the way you want it to.. Listen to us more quality games.
The people don’t understand that they already said they were working on a version for the Vita now they are reneging on what was promised. People should be outraged and Vita owners should not buy this game for any other platform in protest. Its one thing to say you might do a Vita version another all together to say you are going to do something and don’t.
Other developers are screwing this up for Sony as well. Activision for example Call Of Duty Declassified being subcontracted out to Nihilistic software. Give me a break after Vampire Masquerade Redemption. They should have never been considered at all. The the friendly AI was so bad in this game it was almost unplayable. Wow this studio must have some serious juice to still be in the game business. Here lets give Uwe Boll Star Wars movie sequel!! Here bro do you best!! Infinity ward should have been working on this game enough said.
Here is the problem The system needs less cross platform games for Vita and more exclusives just for Vita because bigger consoles still have more horsepower than the Vita. If a game comes out for all three platforms people are probably going to buy the game for there home console rather than the Vita because the graphics are still going to be slightly better.
Joevit im sory man but your are wrong. Look up you info before you post please and yes Siddarthshetty you will need a Direct X 11 card to see Direct X 11 features. Otherwise it will run in Direct X 10 or 9 depending on what kind of video card you have. Hope this helps.
Siddarthshetty yes Vista will get Direct X 11 update when service pack 3 is released. I read this online. Bill Gates announced that Vista would be get Direct X 11 when windows 7 was first announced also.
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