The Death Of A Loved One - First entry
by Kelt- on Comments
Well, yesterday, Buddy, my dog, everyone in my family's favorite dog, well, this is how it started. First of all, Buddy is our favorite dog, our first dog we ever had, and he has been around for a long time. He is sweet and has never hurt anyone before. This is what happened, however. Five days before that... Buddy came down with a sickness that we could not control. He kept throwing up everywhere and medicine wasn't helping. The next day Buddy wouldn't movie much and wouldn't eat throughout the whole day. The next day Buddy still wouldn't eat and would barely move... The next day, Buddy still hadn't eaten and was actually already getting skinnier. He would drink, however, so my Grandmother mashed up food and put it into his water, but he just threw it up. The next day, he wouldn't move one bit. He just breathed deeply. Grandma couldn't pay for the vet, so it was final. We got into the car, I didn't exactly know where we were going, except that we had Buddy with us and his collar and everything of his, except for his toys, snacks, food, bed, and stuff like that. I thought we were taking Buddy for a walk, but it was far worse than that. We pulled up into the parking lot of the Humane Society, and Grandma left me and Buddy in the car as she went to go and talk to somebody. She came back, walking with a woman, and she was crying. This was the first time I had ever seen my grandma cry before. Grandma opened the door, and yes, I was right. Buddy was going to get Humanely Euthanized. Grandma cried, getting Buddy out of the car. Poor Buddy couldn't get up, so Grandma picked her up with the help of the doctor. Grandma signed papers, and Buddy laid down on the floor of the room we were in. My grandma pet Buddy one last time, then... I took one last glimpse of Buddy before the doctor closed the door, and he was taken to his death. That was it. They wouldn't let us be with him as he got put to sleep, and we just left. I grasped Buddy's collar, trying not to cry, and we came home, looking at his empty bed. Pucker, our other dog, was searching for Buddy but he just couldn't figure it out that Buddy was in heaven, or wherever dogs go. Grandma had been with Buddy ever since she was a little girl, and now he was dead, just because of money. Our family isn't quite nice to us, and even the rich people in our family wouldn't help Buddy out with some decent money for the vet. Grandma still wakes up, thinking that she should take Buddy for a walk, but no. He's gone, forever. He was our favorite dog, and always will be, whether he is dead or alive.