Damn Gamestop. They've had my buissiness for a good five or so years. I've taken advantage of price drops and trade-in specials. I love both Gamestop and Gamecrazy, dut Gamecrazy doesn't excite me much. Gamestop has a much bigger selection, whtehr it be at a new store or one that's ten years old. For instance: I walked into Gamestop today to pick up my beta code for Metal Gear Online (I pre-orded the game back in February) and to switch my pre-order to the Limited Edition version of the game. I look over on the PS2 shelf, and lo and behold! A game I have been searching for for ages: a relatively new copy of ICO. Price: More than I had with me. I shop there for selection, not prices...
Any way, I went up to the counter and pulled out my receipt for the MGS4 pre-order, and say that I got a call about the pre-order bonus (the MGO Beta Code and the MGS Saga 2.0 Disk). The dude takes my receipt, types the needed information in, and looks up and says," You have no pre-orders listed in our system." My jaw dropped. I hadn't been in a game store since the day I pre-ordered the game itself, and the receipt was proof that I DID pre-order it. I stood in there for an hour while they scoured the system (one good thing DID come about though, they are having a deal on used movies right now, buy two used movies and get two of equal or lesser value free. I got October Sky and Monty Python and the Holy Grail for 9.99 each and got two 4.99 movies free). After that hour, they decide, what the hell. ou have the receipt, so they gave me the disk. I was pissed off that I had to sit there for an hour waiting for them to do something, as I CLEARLY had it ordered and had a right to the pre-order bonus itself. As of now though, after I fill my two pre-orders (HAZE and MGS4) I may be done with Gamestop forever.