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Kennymustnotdie Blog

Week of 29 to 5 November 2006:Outside Report#3:Halloween!


he celts who lived 2000 years ago celebrated their new year the 1st of November.This day marked the end of summer and the beginning of the cold winter, which was associated with the time of death.celts belived that the day before their new year.The day when the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead was open.This made them believe that corpses of the dead returned and druids could make predictions easier.
They used to dress up with animal skins and skulls and light a bonfire to commenarate this event.
And so to this day the spirit and celebration of halloween is held every month.
                                              History 1:Secrets of Halloween

This is the full and true history of Halloween.
Here are a few pictures to remember this event.

                                             HAPPY          HALLOWEEN

Week of 22 to 29 October 2006


I have been a member of for only three months and i have become the editor for one of the best presenter ever:ROLFHARRIS
This is one of the many goals I Wanted to achieve on this site and that was becoming a person editor!!!!!
Wow in one week I have jumped from level 4 and a half to level 7!!!
This is due to the fact that ive been sending in sooo many submissions, that i gained 2 emblems in about 2 days!!!!!
Also like to congratulate tweekfan who has made it in 4th place and wont stop there!!That is a very hard thing to do so i have to say WELL DONE

Fact of the week
Brazil has won the world cup 5 times, Italy 4 and Germany 3 (The top three!!)

Quote of the week
Ned:Theyre not perfect,but the lord says love thy neighbour
Homer:Shut up,Flanders.

Something i havent done in a while)

Week of 15 to 22 of October 2006

All The Special Edition DVDs of THE SIMPSONS

Yes any simpson fanatic(Like myself)Should have at least one of these faboulous dvds of the Simpsons.
There is definitely going to be a Bart one but rumors recently of a Krusty one are also around.
So far they have got up to season 9 (Lisas head)with the 200th episode!!!
I have also started to send Trivia,QuotesEtc.And aim to get on the top contributor board by the end November.
So please, write in this blog which ones you have of the following above or of all the seasons you have!!

Great event and i finally got my fifth emblem now i need to finish off the first row of my gamespot account (Aiming to do so before end of year)
Trivia was also great but this event was not as good as the lost chat, they had about a month ago on

Bart:Oh no!I smell another crossover

Isaac Hayes of south Park did not leave because of the episode of Scientology but because he had a stroke.

Week of 8 to 15 of October 2006

Yep, the most underrated game ever is here in my second ever official blog post.

DMC1 was an incredible game and still is.This is normally hard to say or a game that is 5 YEARS OLD.Then in the year 2003 DMC2 came out....but was rejected terribly,a little too terribly.
DMC2 is crticisized due to the fact that:
1 Its settings are not as great as those of number one or threes
2 People say its too hard while other people say its easy.
3 He isnt the Dante we knew and loved back in DMC1

but those are just the minor inconviniencies,if youre a true fan of DMC then you should be able to accept these changes and understand that this game is a great game that has been rejectecd for way too long.

Quote of the week:
Stan: Oh my god,Kenny...killed...death?

Fact of the week:
5 weeks after 9/11 another plane hit a building.Not terrorist based.

Week of 2 to 8 of October 2006

                Check out the cover for RFOM!!Its so cool8)

  Heres the fact of the week :
Only three films have reached 1 billion dollars at the cinema
1st Titanic
2nd Lord of the Rings 3
3rd Pirates of the Carribean 2

Quote of the week:
Lois :Oh honey I love you!
Peter :yeah, about a quarter past five!

Current Emblems:(First line finished of Tv.coms !!!)