Week of 29 to 5 November 2006:Outside Report#3:Halloween!
by Kennymustnotdie on Comments
The celts who lived 2000 years ago celebrated their new year the 1st of November.This day marked the end of summer and the beginning of the cold winter, which was associated with the time of death.celts belived that the day before their new year.The day when the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead was open.This made them believe that corpses of the dead returned and druids could make predictions easier.
They used to dress up with animal skins and skulls and light a bonfire to commenarate this event.
And so to this day the spirit and celebration of halloween is held every month.
History 1:Secrets of Halloween
This is the full and true history of Halloween.
Here are a few pictures to remember this event.
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