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Kenshin836 Blog

May is still the month of muneyz

So after that whole incident last month, things have calmed down a bit. I got my $300 like a week ago (I gave my mother some of it just cause...YOU KNOW) and I've bought a few things as well. I've also been playing it smart by putting about half of it into my savings account.

Anyways, here's some of the stuff I've bought:

-Urban Reign for the PS2 (only $7, BRAND FREAKIN' NEW OMGUSH)

-Fight Night Round 3 (X360), been wanting it ever since I played it with my friend. I also noticed EA took down the demo for some reason...

-The Rocky Saga Collection

Love all of the movies.

And finally

Yeah. That's right.

Overall, it only cost me a little over $50 for all of this. How awesome is that? It feels good to still have the ability to get things after what happened. Oh yeah, I also beat GTA4. Really awesome game. Wurrs the episode packs? Come on Rockstar!

Alright, that's enough pointless rambling. I'll see you guys later.

Hard times

Wow. Just when I happened to beat Super Empire, THIS has to happen.

Long story short: Me and my family have to move out of our house.

I was hoping it wasn't going to come to this but...what can ya do...

I'm going to sell some stuff online probably. Maybe some games (probably PS1/PS2, Computer and Xbox stuff). I'll let you guys know just in case some of you out there are interested in buying any of it.

Yeah. Sorry for this kinda depressing update but don't worry too much about it. Everything will probably work out alright in the end.

I'll see ya guys later.

Completing The Trilogy

So...I'm sorta changing my gaming resolution for the year. Instead of beating FF8, I'm going to beat the rest of the Super Star Wars games finally:

Nothing against FF8 but I just think this is a better goal to complete before (oh noes) College starts for me later this year.

Speaking of which, go watch the Star Wars retrospective at Gametrailers. It's pretty awesome.

Also, Lost Odyssey is kinda coo' I guess...actually it's really coo' so far.

That's about it. Later guys!

Blame Ishmall (5 things about me...yay?)

Here's five things you may not know about me:

1. I still don't have my own car. When I drive I use my mother's craptastic Oldsmobile. Yuck.

2. I just recently got myself a kitten. I've never owned a cat before...ever.

3. I'm finally going to go to college this year.

4. I am way into anime.

5. I plan to move to Japan and work as an english teacher in the near future.

There is no one left to tag so I won't bother. :P

May is the month of muneyz

My mother informed me today that I got $300 heading my way in May. Why? I don't quite understand it myself really. Something about the government paying $300 for each child to every family or something or other...?

Anyways, I'm already thinking of the many ways I could spend with all that money and I am here to ask YOU guys what you think I should get with it.

I was thinking either one of these things finally:

Or maybe even one of those thuper fancy GeForce 8800 video cards.

What do you guys think? Halp meh.

My 2007 Completion List

Just wanted to share with you guys a list of all the games I "beat" in this past '007 (thanks goes to Mr. jimbo the bimbo for the idea)

Here goes (hopefully in order of first to last):

Def Jam: Fight for NY (more than once)

Dead Rising (more than once)

Guitar Hero II (finally got into the Guitar Hero craze this year and beat the medium tour, I currently play guitar in Rock Band on expert. Crazy.)

Gears of War (beat it straight through with Slunkadunka online)

.hack GU Vol.1

TMNT (1989 Arcade on XBLA, beat it on Co-Op with a bunch of buddies...still didn't get the achievement though)

Blade Runner (a game I had for awhile, pretty great adventure game)


Dead or Alive 4


Halo 2 (finally beat it while waiting for Halo 3)

Saints Row (beat it while waiting for Halo 3)

Halo 3

Portal (cake = lie)

Assassin's Creed (beat it while waiting for that Mass Effect to finally come)

Mass Effect

Super Star Wars (still can not believe I did it)

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men (beat it with my brother on co-op)

Honorable Mentions:

Rogue Galaxy (loved this game but unfortunately got distracted by other games, will have to revisit it soon)

God Hand (awesome but the tough difficulty eventually wore me down, will have to go back on easy sometime)

Phoenix Wright (can't believe I put it down, I think I was on the fourth case when I stopped)

Super Mario DS (I would've beaten it had my save data not been corrupted...)

Silent Hill (made a blog about it, it was amazing but eventually the 360 came and I ended up forgetting about it)

Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time (was planning on beating this game while I waited for my 360 to come about 20 hours in but the game just had too many problems to really be worth it so I stopped)

I think that about covers it...if I remember anything else I'll edit it in. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. I don't beat a lot of the games I own, it's a sad fact.

What is my New Year's gaming resolution?

To finally beat this game right hur:

What is your gaming resolution for the New Year?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this list and I hope you guys have a good one! Later.

To All My Friends on GS

Merry Christmas!

It has been a crazy year gaming with you guys from the Gars of War madness to the TF2 addiction to the Rawking out with Rock Band. I'm glad I've met a lot of you guys.

I wish you all a safe and awesome Christmas.

I've brought peace to the galaxy?

Yes! :o

Haha, I can not believe it! This will be a day long remembered cause man...was it freakin' hard to get through. Thanks goes to good ol' JamesonV for inspiring me to finally sit down and beat this terrific (and awfully frustrating) game.

Final Score: 317950 let's see if I'm prepared for when they Strike Back...