That's right, I said it. My Xbox Live Gold trial just ended today. Caught me off guard really cause I was expecting it to last a couple more days but apparently Microsoft answered that hope with a resounding "NO WAY".
So...I'm gonna pick up an Xbox Live card here soon, probably tomorrow cause I need my Saints Row (and Crackdown) multiplayer fun.
I did play Crackdown Co-Op online last night and it is...amazing. I love it. I bump my previous score from a 7.9 to a 8.5 because of this. It's just a shame you can't invite friends to your game for some reason. *sigh*
Also, played a lot of Resident Evil DS lately. Good stuff. "No! Don't open that door!" Yeah, you RE fans know what I'm talkin' about.
I've also been looking for decent prices for the Lunar games on PS1. No such luck. People seem to love going "zomg Lunar, I'll pay 50-100 for that." I'm not that kind of person. Gas burns through my money like gasoline so...I'm only really willing to pay around $30 for them each. If anyone has any advice or tips...or links even, that would be much obliged.
Hidden Treasures Update:
Okay, here's the deal. I've found a way to do it. Look forward to it this coming weekend.
That's about it for now. Till next time Gamespotters. :P
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