What is God? One of life's greatest questions. God can be something, someone, or perhaps nothing, nobody knows, nobody can prove it, all we have to rely on is faith and hope, by going back to the teachings that are taught to us, what ever we are, rather we be Catholic, Jewish, Buddist, (forgive my spelling)etc, There are so many of them, this is all what ppl want to beleive. Some ppl think of him as a father to all, assuming that he is male, but noone knows, he could be male, female, black, white, or everything.
Here is something to think about, look at a picture of Adam and Eve, Stare at it, try to find whats wrong. There is an obvious truth that everone seem to be overlooking. Some noticable ones are the fact that the fruit they eat is just a fruit, not necessarily an apple. But when you look close at one.... well there should not be a belly button on either of them. I mean think about it... if they were formed through Gods likeness, than... there would be no umbilicol cord, and thats how we all have belly buttons. This is just one of the many ways the facts of religion have been altered. Who knows maybe God did makea whole there just for the hell of it... funny thing to think about, but you never know.
Sometimes people just accept religion because everything makes sense....well you should question, think about it, and do some research to understand it a little more. Ask yourself the questions, why do I beleive this? What exactly do I beleive? Sorry let myself go on this...hehe.. I am not an expert on this stuff after just one college course about this kind of stuff, I think about this kind of stuff on a regular bases, but beleive I am NOT an expert. Although think about it and come to your own conclusions. What is God?
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