Okay, this is a blog about what I would like to be in the new 360 when it comes out...
Colours: I really like the black elite but not all one colour, it should be a blend of two. Example, Black & Green, Black & Orange, or Black & Navy, those are just personal opinions, others may have different opinions or thoughts.
Features: One thing I think it needs is touch sensitive buttons like the PS3. Another thing is that the giant power brick should be integrated into it, again like the PS3. One thing the 360 dosent have is built in Wi-Fi. Also, I would like it if they came out with a new design for the 360 itself. Last but not least, I would really love it if Microsoft would make Xbox live free, and again, like the PS3.
Interface: I hope the new Xbox 360 will come out with a whole new look on the dashboard, new themes, more customization, and more features. Again with the colours, I really hope they make it so anyone can choose any colour or theme. One thing I didnt like about the current dashboard/interface is that every page you go to is a different colour, and it looks weird when used with different themes, in my opinion.
Games: Now with games, I really want Microsoft and Sony to join together so that the new Xbox can play PS3 Games, because there are some games for PS3 I wouldnt mind having. But on the other hand, there are some games that I dont want Sony to take over, like Halo or Gears of War. I would also like it if the new games would be Blu-Ray compatible, another reason I would like it if they joined. Last, I would love it if Microsoft came out with fighting games like Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
Thats about it, hope you liked it, more blogs soon...