Kevin75 Blog
Dual Shock 3 Ungratefulness
by Kevin75 on Comments
This is going to be short. When the Playstation 3 came out many complained that the six axis controller, IE the one that doesn't vibrate, was uncool. They were upset that there was no Dual Shock. Now what happens after so much whining and they finally come out with Dual Shock 3 with rumble feature and still uses the six axis, does everyone rejoice and celebrate and sing the praises of finally having rumble. Aaaa No. Its no big deal. Who Cares. Well kind of funny how they were whining about it just a short while ago. Some probably were complaining on the day of the announcement of Dual Shock 3. I didn't care that there wasn't. It was an owe man. Owe well. Kind of thing. Now I got a PS3 and Have Dual Shock 3 which doesn't rumble on early games cause no rumble feature in them but it isn't that huge of a thing. Anyway point being people were just looking for something to complain about the PS3 and when that ran out they moved onto something else to complain about. Interesting enough is how many have actually tried the consol. 360 fans celebrate the 360 but point blank it has its faults and I will get into that in a different Blog post. For now have a Merry Christmas All and a Happy new year. (for those reading this after the new years it was posted on Christmas if you are wondering wth)
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