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Random facts about me :D

-100 random facts about me-

(1) What's your favorite type of music?
Rock &&; Emo! Ox

(2) What do you spend most of your time doing?
Gaming, with friends && family, on the computer.

(3) When you're home alone, what do you do?
Go on the PC, go on PS2, PS3, Wii && Raid the fridge xD

(4) What is your favorite 'fast food' resturant?
Mc Donalds.

(5) Are you a farmer?
Yes, i meen no no no.

(6) If you could marry anyone who would it be?
Billie Piper PWAHHH

(7) What is your best subject in school?
English &&; IT

(8) If you could go anywhere, where would you want to go?
America, New York & stuff

(9) How many people do you live with?
Mum && Dad && Pets

(10) What is your favorite sport?
Badminton, Bowling

(11) How many kids do you want?

(12) What would you name them?

(13) Coke or Pepsi?

(14) When do you usually go to bed?
Whenever I'm tired

(15) Do you have more dreams or nightmares?
Dreams they're crazy sometimes :)

(16) How many friends do you have?
Loads &&; Loads

(17) What do you normally wear to bed?

(18) What's your favorite thing to do?
Loads of stuff!

(19) What color hair do you have?
Brown, But i want blue hair!

(21) Do you sing well?

(22) Have you ever been in love?

(23) Would you eat a cockroach for £500?
Yeah Lol!

(24) Are you afraid of the dark?

(25) Where's the last place you've been?

(26) What's the color you would say you've worn the most of?
Black and blue

(27) Do you get along with your parents?

(28) Are you popular?
I have LOADS of friends

(29) Do you live in the country or city?'s so boring. In a villiage near a lots && lots of towns though

(30) What was your happy experience?
Im not sure. Alottt. :D

(31) Have you ever been stalked?
No -looks over shoulder-

(32) Indoors or Out doors?
Mm.. Both?

(33) Ever been picked up by a hitchhiker?
No! I don't plan to either!

(34) Do you like suprises?
Yep, I love them!

(35) Ever took ballet?
Im a guy.. of course I haven't -shifty eyes-

(36) Do you watch the ......superbowl?
Hehe, no I'm English.

(37) Is your name on any bathroom halls?
I hope not...

(38) Know people who belong to a gang?
Nope, don't really want to???

(39) Ever done something illegal?

(40) Do you go hunting?
No, it's sad

(41) Do people think you're crazy?
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

(42) Do you get asked out a lot?
I depends how much "alot" is.

(43) What's your biggest secret you have?
If I told anyone then it wouldn't be a secret

(44) Have you ever drowned a fish?
Ahah. Nice try. ;)

(45) How many songs do you know the words to?

(46) What is your favorite superhero?
Spider Man. He's like; well cool. xD and BatMan, the EMO of super heros!

(47) Do you read books often?

(48) If you could change anything about you what would it be?
My face?

(49) What is your favorite type of gum?

(50) Are you afraid of thunderstorms?
No, they're awesome!

(51) Do you care what you look like?
Not really, only clothes.

(52) As a kid, what was your favorite cartoon's?
Spider Man, Recess

(53) What are you wearing?
Pj's. IM off ill today! :(

(54) Do you snore?

(55) When's the last time you kissed someone?
Dunno... ahaha, thats just sad. XD

(56) When you listen to the radio, what kind of station is it normally on?
Invicta FMMMMM

(57) What's your best physical feature?

(58) What's the best thing about your personality?
My sense of humor && my randomness

(59) What's the worst thing about your personality?
I can get very moody..and then i will eat your eyes.

(60) Are you picky about girls?
Very Picky.

(61) Have you ever flown in an airplane?
Yeah, three times. I love it!

(62) What size shoe do you wear?
7 1/2 - 8 1/2

(63) Do you wear make-up?
Im a guy. [This is the trouble when you copy this Survery from a girl]

(64) Ever been to Paris?
no, ZOMG i want to though.

(65) Do you believe in Vampires?
Duh. xD

(66) If you could become a Vampire would you?

(67) Do you eat seafood?
Fish fingers? Lol! I like Cod and Salmon.

(68) What's you're fav movie?
Lord of the Rings, Spider Man, Pirates, Finding nemo, star wars

(69) How many people do you trust with your life?
Mum, Dad, Brother, Brother's Girlfriend, Hannah, Leanne, Rosie

(70) Do you talk on the phone a lot?

(71) How often do you take a shower?
Everyday. But I prefer baths.

(72) Do you have ...acne?

(73) What's your favorite candy bar?
Mars Bar!! Yumm

(74) Which is better punk or prep?
It depends on their personality?

(75) Do you like jaw breakers?

(77) Would you call yourself independent or dependent?
In the middle -laughs-

(78) Do you like gossip?
Depends what it is.

(79) What do you buy a lot of?
Sweets, Games, Technology

(80) What's the last movie you watched?

(81) Who is your favorite friend?
Hannah, Leanne, Charlie, Phil, William, Rosie, Emma && Becca are my favs. I love them!

(82) Who do you get along with the best?
Hannah, Leanne, Becca, emma, Rosie, William, Charlie.

(83) Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Yeah. Mainly with my brother. xD

(84) Did you ever fall asleep at school?
Yes I was so tired. I was like; 4.

(85) Who do you look up to?
The sky.

(86) A one piece bathing suit or two piece?
IM A `fookin guy! >D

(87) Have you ever been in a talent show?
Not a PROPER one. Just a crap one at school

(88) Ever been camping?
No. Never want to.

(89) Shorts or jeans?
Jeans. Even in the summer. :P

(90) Double dates or just the 2 of you?
Just the two of us.=]

(91) Do you know how to cook?

(92) When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat?

(93) Do you consider yourself fat/skinny?
In between. Mainly skinny but I eat LOADS & LOADS

(94) What's your least favorite color?

(95) Have you ever faked being sick?

(96) What's the longest you've stayed up?
24 hours. It was SOO fun with my friends.

(97) Do you have a girl friend?
Nope, just split up with her.

(98) Do you have any stuffed animals?
Ya, I have a dog since I was a baby. All my child hood stuff.

(99) When was the last time you ate?
This morning, I'm ill, so I didn't eat alot.

(100) How long did it take you to finish this?
You do the math!

ALSO: I know the question numbers went wrong somewhere, I deleted a q and couldn't be bothered to change them.