What better way to kick off my first blog than to muse about my favorite gaming series of all time? Final Fantasy has come to be one of the most misleading titles in gaming. Far from final, it has instead spawned an army of quality and entertainment for the gaming community. To think, the very first installment was a last minute effort by Squaresoft to save themselves from bankruptcy. Our Japanese brothers in gaming ate it up, and two decades later it has exploded into the RPG giant it is today. It has become the gaming equivalent of the New York Yankees; near infinite budget, well known names, always a serious contender, if not sweeping the World Series that is gaming. What does the Final Fantasy series have that others do not? Why are they at the forefront, with other excellent titles taking the backseat? In a word: genius. Final Fantasy was one of the sole RPG's back when the genre was considered as table-top only. Another metaphor for you; the early 90's were basically the stock market for RPG's. You had to buy low back then, take a chance. Luckily for Squaresoft, they were able to sell high. They were able to establish not only Final Fantasy as well as themselves, but RPG's in general as a full genre. Square Enix now has the fans and funds to support them, knowing they can buy high and sell even higher. The characters of Final Fantasy have yet to be matched in terms of legacy. Who overshadows Cloud Strife, hero of Final Fantasy VII? How about Sephiroth, in terms of pure badassery? Squall? Seifer? How about Vivi, whose appearance is a throwback to the SNES job class days? None that I can think of. How about Auron? Or Tidus' personality, and relationship to Yuna? Hmm, still got nothing. How about the leading man himself, the sky pirate Balthier? Nada. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of RPG's in general, and love many of the different series available. They just can't compare to the sheer sense of awe that SE gives us with each new installment of Final Fantasy. And with Fabula Nova Crystallis laying siege to the gaming market, they won't be anytime soon. FF has even branched into the MMO world, and while FFXI wasn't as successful in that area as WoW was, it held, and still holds a strong presence in the realm of MMO's. Not to mention that FFXIV is on the horizon, looking beyond promising. Plus there's that old rumor about a Final Fantasy VII remake...sorry, drooled a bit. How about the spin-offs? Final Fantasy Tactics, anyone? What started as a regular Strategy RPG has become the catalyst for the legacy of Ivalice, spawning successful sequels and a remake on the PSP. Then there's Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus. A great game in its own right, and a fresh perspective on the FFVII universe. Then there's Dissidia, which is also an amazing representation of the Final Fantasy universe as a whole. Kingdom Hearts even hosts Final Fantasy characters as part of the active story, as well as make use of many of the elements (names of spells and weapons, mostly.) There's just nothing this series can do wrong. It basically boils down to trust. When SE announces a new Final Fantasy game, I am overcome by excitement and anticipation. When it's finally released, I immediately go and purchase it without a second thought. When I get home, I order a pizza and flip through the manual, my excitement growing. When the pizza arrives, I pop the game in the console, knowing with 100% certainty that I'm about to have a hell of a time. There's no second guessing my purchase, no aisle pacing trying to decide on a title (c'mon, we've all done it.) And as such, I eagerly await the release of FFXIII and Versus. Might as well pre-order my pizza. Game on.
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