Ehh, yeah, not that much different, cept gotta note a few things on their comparisons. For Assassin's Creed and Rainbow Six Vegas 2, they completely and utterly forgot to turn on full RGB coloring on their PS3, which makes BOTH games look better on it. I've tried both on both my 360 and PS3.. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 still lags behind the 360 version a little, but whatever, it's a smaller gap. Also, GTA4... only looks a little worse on the ps3 because they took the SS's at different times of day within the game... Orange box IMO comes together better on the PS3, but the versions can't really be compared because they were made by two different companies...
Interesting.. looks disappointing, not the jump I was looking for. Ah well, maybe games just need to be coded to be multi-threaded for GPU, as they are already for CPU?
Khanezhyray's comments