I really think that the gaming industry as a whole is going to continue to push forward, and eventually pass the movie and television industries. The poll today on GameSpot said:
"Despite predictions of a gloomy 2005, NPD's numbers for the year were better than 2004's. What do you think 2006 holds in store?"I chose the option that said the industry will keep moving forward and it'll be an exciting year for gaming. And I do believe that it will be. I mean, in March the best game that will ever come out is going to be released, TES4: Oblivion. I don't have a 360, but I'm sure I'll be able to get one by the end of March. That game should last me at least 500 hours, if not more. Morrowind took two whole summers from me, and I loved every second of it.
As for PC gaming, some people think that it will die out as the newer consoles are released. I don't think this at all. In fact, I still know PC gaming leads the industry. They said the next generation started with the Xbox360, look at games like Battlefield:2 and F.E.A.R. The latter is one of the most amazing games I've ever played. The graphics were the best ever and the game play couldn't have been more perfect. Except, maybe, that it was too scary. But hey, that was their point.
I've even been playing more Guild Wars lately. That's a really fun RPG that you don't have to pay for to play monthly. I be that if I had the money WoW would be better but GW is still killer fun. I'm still trying to beat that. All of these PC games are more lasting than most console games. With the exception of Halo 2, that's still fun to play even after months. This is also because they keep updating it. <-- Like PC games!!