Today Microsoft FINALLY made the CPP open to the public and I'm already downloading vista!! I already have the 64-bit version and I'm downloading the 32-bit version (at an amazing 700 kb/s average!) I can't wait to try this thing out it's gonna be amazing! I already got a product key from Microsoft, so I'll be using vista till it comes out in January (but maybe I'll stay with RC1, I've heard it's good.) I'll update this blog with details on the amazing-ness of Vista after I get it installed and run it for a while. Don't know if I'll be using 64 or 32 bit though...
September 16th: Ordering official version of vista RC1 from Microsoft. My installs have been failing from "missing files." I think either the download was corrupt or the DVD burn didn't go well. Ordering it from M$ is worth the $3.00, no doubts.
September 28th: Still no vista, this is so slow!
October 11th: Vista is up and running, I've have been using as my main OS for about a week now. When I first got the CD it was showing the same problems as before, my drive was going bad. So I used my brothers drive to install it and it worked like a charm. It's so nice it's amazing! I just helped my friend install it on his computer, he's loving it too.