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games in general

So many games coming out the rest of the year. It hasn't been too bad of a year as far as games go, but it seems like November is completely overcrowded. Maybe everyone's trying to get a piece of the CoD cake. Right now its kind of a lull, other than Summer of Arcade starting today. Bastion looks amazing.

I'm not sure I'll get Battlefield, I just played the campaign in Battlefield 2, never touched online always telling myself I'll do it later. I never have time for multiplayer games like Halo and Cod and Battlefield, I have life that "gets" in the way, when in reality it should be all I can to not have games "get in the way" of life. Back in the day, games were single player experiences that kept you in your mom's basement. Now its all about the multiplayer. I barely have time for short single player burts, let alone trying to schedule time to play with actual friends and lining up schedules like that.

Rage looks like another marriage or offspring from Fallout 3 and Borderlands. Loved both of those games, Where id games is making it, its got that Doom flavor as well mixed in it as well.

Back log... so much back log.. Enough Backlog that EA is shutting down Army of Two shich is a game the multiplayer is on my backlog. Oh well. Things that never will be.

8 GAMES IN NOV. ONLY WANT 5 HAHA UC3, Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Saints Row 3rd, Halo Anneversary
7 IN OCT. ONLY WANT 1-2 Rage (maybe) Batman AA Battlefield 3 (maybe)
4 IN SEPT ONLY WANT 2 Resistance 3, Gears 3
2 IN JAN ONLY WANT 2 (ALREADY GOT) Ilomilo, Dead Space 2

Hardest game in the genre of the current gen.

So I was wondering what the hardest game of certain genre's were. in keeping with the current generation of games. These are my ideas so far... what do you think?

Beat Em Ups... DMC 4

Fighting Games.... Soul Caliber IV

First Person Shooter.... toss up between COD4 vet, HL Episode 2,

Third Person Shooter.... Metal Gear Online

Racing... Motorstorm Pacific Rift

Quality Zombie game = "Dead" in the name.

This post is just an observation I had right now.An epiphany if you will.

Dead is in some of the most popular zombie games out there...

Dead Space, Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead, Red Dead Redemption.

If you want your zombie game to be good, put "dead" in the name

I read a long time ago that the word "end" was a very commonlyric in the billboard #1 slot over time.

Gears gear @ Kohl's?

Over last weekend I won a $25 gift card to Kohl's. "What am I gonna do with that?" I ask myself. After wandering this store asking myself "What am I doing, why did I spend so much time to get here and why am I not at home gaming right now?" Well, I found some good looking pajama pants that had the Gears of War logo on them. So I picked up some Gears of War pajamas at Kohl's. Wife got some candles. We both went home happy. They also had some good looking World at War and Modern Warfare pj's as well. Props to Kohl's for having something in there for me that I enjoy.

Dante's Inferno vs God Of War

Ok, so after watching the new trailer/info trailer about Dante's Inferno... I've jumped to a conclusion....

I've made an analogy actually...

Dante's Inferno is to God of War 3
Saint's Row 2 is to Grand Theft Auto 4

Both Dante's Inferno and Saint's Row don't have to live up to the fans expectations, they are making a game off of an established franchise with some story tweaks.

Since they're both borrowing a successful idea but without having to invent new ideas... they can both go and have loads of fun with it.

Dante the protagonist is pissed off at Satan and is on a journey to Hell to kick Satan's ass. Kratos is on his way to kill the Gods cause he's pissed off at them.

GTA4 is all about Niko and him just trying to get established in the US with a few major revenge plots here and there.

Saint's Row is all about the "gang." About getting the "gang." back together so they can be a "happy gang." together. That being said I still have played much more Saints Row then GTA4.

At one point during the trailer for Dante's Inferno it reminded me of a cross between Diablo and Prince of Persia. Much more action game, with epic fights which reminds me of God of War.

Just saying... bottom line.. Dante's Inferno will probably worth at least renting. It looks really cool!

1st person shooters...

Maybe its cause I'm tired... I don't know. I've played Halo with my friends before... and I know they're not very good at 1st person shooters either. But one of them is. And I've since moved 2 hours away from all of them and I miss hanging out with them. And since I've just recently got an xbox360 I've been able to find halo and halo 2 really cheap. And so as I play them on normal. I realize I really really really suck at these games. And it frustrates me to no end due to my inability to do well at all. This isn't the fun game we play when we play together, which makes me wonder why in the hell am I spending so much money on getting all of these 1st person shooters?

I enjoyed Wolfenstien, I beat the original Doom and Doom 2. I'm playing Halo 2 on normal and continually getting my ass handed to me over and over and over again. So much that its not fun because I don't progress or get better at all. I know going from Doom to Halo 2 is quite a jump in skill and 1st person evolution. If anything from the lack of keeping up on skill. I beat Red Dead Revolver, I can't get anywhere in Red Faction or Red Faction 2. So I'm wondering why am I spending $40 a piece to get Halo 3 and Gears of War 2, when I already have Gears 1 and Halo 1 + 2. I still really enjoy Gears of War. But where I suck enough at 1st person shooters... where's the sense in spending more money on games of the same type when you can get frustrated just as easily by playing the 1st one that came out.

I haven't turned on the Xbox360 for 2 days since tonight and was frustrated from work as well, and so I figured I'd play Halo 2 to get my mind off of my frustrations when in actuality, it just compounded my self pity party I'm throwing I guess.

All this haunts me where I start to wonder if I'm only good at RPG's cause they're not a think on your feet. Maybe I just suck at thinking on my feet and that's why I can't play fighting games, 1st person shooters, 3rd person shooters, and RTS's where I win at all. I loved StarCraft and WarCraft 2 and 3. I just never won but I never let that get to me but its bugging the crap out of me tonight.


How in the world can I send messages? I click on the person I wanna send a message too click message me and type my message and then click send and get an error that says "Your message is not well formed no Valid HTML tags were found." What do they want me to do?

Anyways, I was trying to message combat soldier about Left 4 Dead here's the message I wanted to send to him.

So you gotta let me know how Left 4 Dead compares to Resistance, COD4, Halo, and such. I still have that $50 Gift card to Walmart and wondering if Having Xbox Live Gold would be better or getting Left 4 Dead?

Aftermath Christmas stragglers

So my after Christmas budget that I got for Christmas is as follows...

I'll be getting Fable 2 for sure. I'll be upgrading to Oblivion GOTY edition.

I don't understand the whole reason at Gamestop why a used copy of Fable 2 is only $5 cheaper than a new one. Why not just spend the extra $5 and get a new one? $5 isn't that much between $55 and $60 its a lot bigger deal down in the $10-$20 range, but way up there not so much.

And, I was wondering which I'll research earlier today if the Brady Guide is worth it to get cause its 20% off at Gamestop. I'm only shopping at Gamestop because I was forced to due to Santa shopping at Gamestop and getting me multiple copies now I have gift cards at Gamestop and so yeah. I normally go with whoever is cheaper. Sometimes Amazon, sometimes Best Buy, sometimes Ebay, sometimes Walmart. Hardly ever Gamestop because of the horrible quality of used games I've experienced from them. Last time I bought a new game with the strategy guide at EB Games was Red Dead Revolver for the PS2.

Also I'll be getting Xbox Live Gold 13 month deal from Walmart due to a gift card I got for them this Christmas as well.

So on top of my already extravagant Christmas, lets add Fable 2, Oblivion GOTY, and Xbox Live Gold for 13 months.

Happy New Years!

Christmas Gift List

I got an Xbox360 for Christmas...

I got almost 15 games with it too.

Assasin's Creed

Burnout Paradise

Call Of Duty 4

Gears of War

Grand Theft Auto 4

Kung Fu Panda

Lego Indiana Jones

Saint's Row



Halo 2



I would have got GOTY editions but Santa's known to screw that up quite a bit so my connections with the elves will help solve all that and get me the right game.

I'm pretty excited and now have so much to do to keep up with now. I'm coming from a PS2 so I'm quite excited to see all these new improvements in consoles. I love it. Back to gaming. Don't feel bad if you see less of me. It's cause I'm playing these games.

Craigstlist better than Ebay

So I've been buying off of craigslist for a while now, and I must say sometimes its frustrating due to the lack of compatibility of the buyer and seller's schedules. However it's really cool, due to the fact you can meet the seller face to face, you don't have to worry about shipping or anything. It's great buying games from people knowing that you're giving them a better deal than ebgames or gamestop would give them and at the same time buying games for less than you can at Gamestop so completely eliminating the corporate middle man. It's also cool in the fact that you can most often times make an offer to the seller for way below what you would expect to pay anywhere and they usually accept it if not you still end up paying for well below what you'd buy it at gamestop for. So cool!

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