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"WWECW" vs. "EC F'N W"

In a lot of peoples minds, they see the developments of the last couple of weeks on ECW TV as being a lead-up to a showdown between the classic style of ECW and the new watered -down version of WWECW (which is average if you don't think of it as ECW, more like Tuesday Night Raw). It'll be interesting to see how Vince plans on doing this if he is even thinking of doing the angle. Indications are that there may be some type of encounter because what has happened in recent weeks:

Sabu getting blatently DQed for using a table on Justin Credible and chasing ref Mike Posey around the ring, and Balls Mahoney being DQed for using his signature -a chair shot- on Justin Credible (victimized again). Plus, after the match Balls snapping on ref Mike Posey and telling him, "This Is ECW!!."

I don't know what's in the works for this, but I hope it leads to a ressurection of sorts of the classic style of ECW. Vince can still have all his cross-promotion and his Kelly Kelly and Test and the Paul E. as a heel stuff, but let the matches be what they're supposed to be. That being a style where the referee can kick up his feet and not get involved in the match all the time and we can enjoy an actual wrestling match that has no limits. ECW with DQs is no diffrerent than Raw or Smackdown with the occasional hardcore match. Give ECW fans one of the things we want the most, the wrestling without the cheesy-ass endings.

Well......It's The Big Ho!!!!

ECW is, or used to be a good time. When a fan watched a ECW show they were entertained by the competitive nature of the athletes that were in the ring at the time. ECW was about competition and the fans and good wrestling. When ECW on Sci-Fi debuted a couple of weeks back I was geniunely excited because of what I saw at the ECW PPV, One Night Stand. So far Vince McMahon has poured gasoline and set fire to the ECW name and style of wrestling. 

ECW now is a joke, a joke in which Vince can plant his guys all over the television product and have those guys get all the face time over the guys that are actually ECW. I understand why wrestlers from Raw and Smackdown were put into the "new" ECW, for the ratings. But don't have these guys who were doing grunt work at the former brands kicking the hell out of the ECW guys. I think this is just a way for Vince McMahon to show that his A & B brands are better than ECW. This was clear last Tuesday night when The Big Ho was challenging for the ECW title, RVD was to lose because of a drug bust that happened in Ohio. Safe to say the Big Show won, but he won because Paul Heyman turned on RVD and didn't count The Big Ho's shoulders down. This is idiotic, Paul Heyman is now for guys he just "signed " to ECW over guys he knew for over ten years, nonsense. Even though I know it's a storyline it's one that makes not a lick of sense. Why The Big Ho more than any other competitor, well that's Vince politics. I needed to rant and if this doesn't make sense to people I didn't write this to make sense. I wrote this to get some things off my chest. The only reason I'm still watching is for a friend of mine on this site. ECW fans and wrestlers deserve better than this. Mike Knox, Test, a vampire, a bad stripper, and The Big Ho. This isn't ECW, this is as Vince McMahon put it his C-Brand of WWE.

ECW...ECW...ECW, Wait is this my ECW?

ECW returned Tuesday night to the Sci Fi network with a new hour show and safe to say Paul Heyman didn't take the show to the extreme,. Actually it was taken to the extreme limits of boredom and stupidity. Well, ECW now houses Zombies, Vampires, and Witches why, because the Sci-Fi network needed a show with a science fiction element to it. My ECW was extreme, this new ECW is stupid and wants to fight with Monday Night Raw all the time. If I go on any longer I probably will not stop. I'm from Philly and my city was the home of ECW and to see it bomb like it did after the success of ECW One Night Stand is awful. Paul Heyman better put his supposed "genius" to work and fix this mess before ECW goes under again. 

Finale Time!

Is there anything more ominous than finale time. You know that all your favorite shows are ending and that it is time for the long wait. You try to pre-occupy yourself with other activities which works until a rainy night at home has you stuck watching either a crappy reality show or a crappy summer replacement. I don't know about others but for me the summer is an awful time to go through ....dum dum (girl screaming in distance). I love summer, I really do but I hate summer television. Even in the world of sports, there is literally nothing. I like baseball, it's just that it doesn't hold up by itself, during the summer the wait begins for the start of the NFL season. Boy it's funny, summer is anticipated by all and even though I love summer I find it more calming when summer is over than when it begins. So here comes summer and all the parties and the vacations, hopefully the summer rains and the 100+ degree heat takes a summer off or else it'll be..."The Summer of Boredom" 

P.S. 24 will be missed.

NBA Play-ons!!

I am a huge sports fan in fact I can watch just about any sports playoff (even hockey), right now it is both NHL and NBA playoff time. The NBA playoffs have gotten off to a pretty good start, in fact they have been starting for about a month. Why in the hell is the first round a best-of-7, that's organized assault for some teams. Tell the Milwaukee Bucks who knew they were going to be killed anyway that they have to have the Pistons one more game so they can be roughed up and embarassed one more time then tell the public the Bucks-Pistons is a series that will pre-empty a better series like Bulls-Heat and a true basketball becomes annoyed. Even though we have had some really good games thus far, the playoffs are about the later rounds, not about the first five weeks of the first round. David Stern, please the format to the old best-of-five and let the people enjoy the playoffs for the good teams that match-up, not the garbage that is trying to be disguised as sweet-smelling flowers. 

24 is, and will continue to be the best show on television!!

24 is a show that is so great is has to be treated diffrently than any other show on T.V. 24 runs uninterrupted until May while other shows stop and start constantly. Which is one of many reasons those shows lose viewers as the season continues on. 24 is a rare show that actually keeps you hooked and not womdering about dumb things like numbers in a pattern, or the analyzation of a gym sock, or whether or not Billy and Kelly will marry, and its not the same murder trial for eleven years, or whether or not the doctors will do their job this week instead of making out on a gurney. 24 is unique and as long as it stays the way it is this show will have viewers for a long time, at least three more years, which is eternity in TV Land.