Well Im back now, well today has been a good birthday. No wait,wait i want to start this blog over again of again so here i go ready!
Well Hello again my lovely friends from GS, IM BACK FROM THE DEAD! From the small break from the site. So i guess if you Ignored or did'nt even bother read my last blog you would'nt know i was on a break. But since it's my birthday and my starting a new year on a good side note i will forgive you. BUT DONT DO IT AGAIN! :evil: so if i did'nt catch up on late blog entries or commented on your wonderful writing pieces called blogs im sorry.:cry: Well blame useless homework and my human life for that cause hey, i can't just stay home sit on my ass all day and type dry and idiotic rants and complain about life.I got better things to do than that. :lol:but today i feel old since im seventeen years old. Man time flies!
But really sides that note, how are you guys? Me im in awe and shock since one legendary arcade closed down in New York Cannal and the Concer Of Mott street. It had the greatest fighting games there AND HAD DANCE DANCE REVOULTION!! YOU DON'T SEE THAT GAME IN ARCADES ANYMORE! well it was one of the sickest places to just chill, and once in a while a great street fighter and MVC2 player would come and just take out for his ride know what im saying. It was called China Town Fair. In China Town up in the city. Best place for hardcore fighters. From The Original Street Fighter To Super Street Fighter 4. (Which was the first Aracde to have unlock Evil Ryu And Oni Akuma before everyone else IN THE GAME!!!) Hell it even had Melty Blood -__- pissed my of that the 28th was the last day. I went had a blast throught the whole day.
Well since today was my birthday. I can say it was a pretty cool birthday, all my ****ates wished me happy birthday got my behind handed to in MVC3. Not that bad though my fighting ratio was 13 Wins To 12 losses out of the 25 games me and my friends played. I though i did really well with Wesker Deadpool and Zero. :P But one of my besties did'nt come. Her family was sick and she had to stay home and take care of em while her dad went to work. Kinda sucked though but overall, awesome birthday! I laughed a lot and my last period Cl@$$ since my SUB Mr.Mandack is funny as hell and a great time waster!Well hopefully this weekend i hope to see the movie I am number four! i have a huge interest in the movie and i hope to see it! Can't wait :)
Another thing im having trouble of purchasing a new game for the playstation 3, and im damn sure im not buying Marvel VS Capcom 3 for PS3 again it. -__-' So suggest a game to me anything!!! I dying to play the Playstation again. Hmm maybe some Killzone 3 or Wait till April For Portal 2 Ahh!!!! I don't know anymore!!
And finally i wiuold like the time took thank all of you for reading this blog. I guess the sum up of the blog that i had a great day. And a small week off the site. But i missed all of you guys and i hope that god blesses you all.
Peace Im Out Of This Place!~
Kid Black Star