Before I start this blog i would like to say thanks for the warm welcome's back. When ever im gone it's either a small wave of people, but this time i got a huge tidal wave of people. Thanks for the postivie feedback. Even though i have been only gone for a week.! and i have read and caught up with all you wonderful blogs! and i gotta say you guys had one hell of a time during my absents and im glad that you guys did. God bless your souls!
Well during my absents i think GS missed me a little too much, they gave me a small LVL skip im no longer "Super Bagman" That's right i quit my job at the supermarket baging silly Groceries. Now i am a "I Feel Asleep!!" and it's funny too i feel kinda tried at the moment after all that bagging. But enough about these silly puns during my absents i got this neat badge
They know when we're sleeping, they know when we're awake. This GameSpot member participated in the 2010 Ornament Scavenger hunt, and checked it twice to see which staff are naughty or nice ;) combining Yuletide cheer with predatory stalking. Frankly, we're quite scared. GameSpot editorial and video staff who posted the holiday blogs also received the achievement. Happy Holidays!
Thanks to matasig i got this badge cause of his answers and obtained the information about the event from him, i would of posted the answers and the information, but my internet was down in the dumps :cry: so i apologize for that.
Well During my holiday i did'nt get much except for a heavy snow storm during my holiday shopping the day AFTER Christmas. Due to money issuse i did'nt get much but it was enough from my holiday these were barging bin deals though, so i did'nt mind sides i did more giving myself. Sides i had fun buying things for other people than revolving the presents and gifts apon myself. Oh and during my shopping i was in a snow storm the day after christmas! And man bad weather 1,000 people on line with bundles of goodies in the arms very deadly combinations.
- A New Hoodiw that has bulit in earbud headphones
- A Button Up Shirt
- Ratchet And Clank A Crack In Time
Well i got Ratchet And Clank for 10 bucks nothing much, it's really fun though a very cool and simple PS3 Exclusive with so many memeriable moments and you learn the origins of our heroes. and it's probably the best R&C game to come on the PS3
"Uhh? Excuse Me Are You General Alister?"
Im almost done with collecting all the trophies in only four days :P i must now collect 3 more gold bolts but those challenges the sigmund puts for you are annoying and can really piss me of at times and you can't BYPASS! dear god help me. I just need 3 more damn bolts and 3 puzzles are keeping me from reaching Ratchet and Clank Greatness! Not only that but im am greatly spending a lot more time on my Playstion as well, playing games such as Uncahrted 2 And Blazeblue continumm Shift and sometimes Fallout 3. So if you wanna play something feel free to add my PSN Maximum_Ride_XII.
Before i sign of i do have some New Years Promises to myself to ya know do. I did a great job this year, now this year are:
- Eat more fruits and veggies
- Start buckling down on writing new songs/raps
- Start sing more and scream less in songs
- Read more books gotta feed the mind
- Pre-Order at least on fighting game by the end of May
- Have a better realtionship with god
- Get A Girlfreind (mission impossible this one :lol:
- Get A Fightstick for the 360
- And finally do a lot more activity ion GS
Well i guess im done~!