I got my official bluetooth with the purchase of socom. The bluetooth works great on my PS3 and my cellphone. I have no probelms with it. Besides it's made by sony which also made the ps3, so you know it's made specifically for gaming and nothing else will beat it.
Why would you care if theres a port for the xbox 360? Would that make you not buy FF13 just because it's also going to be on the 360? I don't mind exclusives or not. If Halo 3 is ever going to be on the PS3 then i'd be hella happy, i wouldn't be crying over it. We're all gamers, xbox360 or ps3. We shouldn't be fighting, we should keep pestering sony and microsoft to not make exclusives and let everyone enjoy great games.
Wierd... what do you guys do to your PS3?!! Lol I have 6 friends who has a PS3 and NONE of them ever had the "yellow light of death". I've never even heard of this before until..... about 2 months ago. And the PS3 has been around for a while now.
Eh, almost every critic can be biased. The only problem i have with GS are their reviews. I stay away from GS game reviews. Reviews aren't very accurate and give some games more than the game deserves. I wasted alot of money on crap games like resident evil 5, gears of war 2, rockband 2 (the horror i bought the bundle, waste of 180$), and well... plenty of other games. But GS does a great job on the news and E3 coverage! Keep up the good work on onthespot, e3 coverage, and the news section!
Or we could supports DLC so the devs can increase their budget for a sequel? I was never a fan of DLC anyways.... rather save up money for the next game.
Maybe it's just me, but games like Diablo - Diablo 2 had alot of improvements. Warcraft - Warcraft III had MAJOR improvements. Killzone - Killzone 2 completely changed the way i viewed the PS3. I expected alot more of Gears of War 2 just because of some of the hype. Besides minor problems like the grenade that freakin stuns you. I was on some steps and i froze for about 5 minutes sliding down about 1 CM per minute. And i roll more than i run so my thumb gets sore after a while. GoW 2 isn't a bad game, it just didn't live up to it's hype and kinda killed it for me i guess. And after having played GoW and seeing that not much changed, made the game feel repetitive.
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