Bump for a very helpful topic. Just got a Gateway 22" LCD monitor with my new PC today and was looking for a quick way to get sound for my 360. I am finally glad to leave my 13" mono SDTV behind! :D
Harvest your girlfriend organs and put them for sell in the black market. Use the money you collect to buy another tv and 360 setup. Use the remaining money to seduce a more attractive girl, one that loves playing games. Then you can play system link Co-op for many happy years to come. jmartin1016
What he said... :D I wouldn't even bother with a girl that doesn't share your interests. It won't work out in the long run.
If you have never played Half-Life 2 then I would definitely go with the Orange Box. I don't care for TF2 but Portal is a nice little addition. CoD4 looks good too but the short single player has me a bit concerned.
I second the opinion of you dodging a bullet my not getting a wii because they were out of stock. My Wii is sitting collecting dust cause after you get bored with wii sports or zelda there are no other good games. My 360 on the other hand is played everyday! I am looking forward to blue dragon as well and assasins creed, and halo 3, and bioshock, the list goes on and on. You made a good choice my friend.LilSlugger1
Couldn't have said it better myself. Wii has 2 games I am looking forward to this year while 360 has quite a few.
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