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Terminator Goes Anime in 2009!

Eiichiro Oda should join this to make a Terminator version of Franky! ^^

You heard it right folks, the bad-ass cyborg from the silver screen is about to make its first debut in the anime scene! The latest inside scoop sniffs out that James Middleton, the consulting producer for the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles television series, has revealed in an interview at that one of the next projects in the Terminator science-fiction franchise will be a collection of animated shorts created by leading European and Japanese well-known auteurs. Calling them as "Terminations", James compared it to the Animatrix shorts from The Matrix series. Best yet, the storylines is set in the Judgment Day saga, where Skynet had launched nuclear assaults all over our planet for a mass global genocide. Expect major cyberpunk war-scenes of the Terminators vs the humans, lead by man's most epic hero, John Connor!

Forget "I'll be back"; this is more like "Hope to see you in 2009!" XD

Interview Link: