Wait has this already happened it seems so familiar... anyway Today I logged on to gamespot and find that I have received a message from gamespot that says I have been warned about posting off topic in the ps3 forums. hmm could of sworn ive done this before... The topic was titled Blu-ray Responds to the Paramount/DreamWorks Shift Oh wait I have done this before... Heres the first one. Anyway there was some differences this time seeing as yesterday the PS3 forums lit up with blue-ray topics I decided to post some facts that might help people... well long story short my topic got lockedwhile others are still going strong... I can't help but think there out to get me.
I'm not sure If you guys can open this link or not but heres my whole history of warnings if you want to browse through there's about 6 I think only one was rightfully warned about all of the others are mysteries to me.