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Home for the PS3

Home... is it really necessary? a virtual world were you can live and talk with people instead of actually living and talking to people. You can take a stroll down the block without actually walking seems healthy. I mean America isnt full of obses people right? so lets encourage them to sit on thier @sses all day. We already have many things like home anyway one of the most popular one would be myspace it's the perfect place for lonley 40 year olds to find a friend like a 16 year old girl perfect right? Now don't get me wrong home has many great features and on the plus side it's free... unless you want to upgrade were you live. In home you can buy a bigger house/apartment WITH A LAKE VIEW! and you can also spend your cash on clothes and costumes you know instead of things you can actually wear. They keep saying home will be a virtual world so i started to think will there be clan wars? what if sections of home turn into the ghetto? Will you be forced to choose sides and if you do what side do you choose? The fat 10 year olds or the 40 year old virgins? In home you will be able to customize your virtual avatar. One thing i can guarantee is that most people will flock around the one girl avatar that is most likely a guy anyway and then have a clan war over who gets to keep the she-male. In the end i guess home will be a good addition to the ps3. If you see me in home expect my avatar to be a fat guy with doreto dust on my fingers and pizza stains on my shirt breathing so loud you'll start to wonder if im about to die. Expect home to arrive on the ps3 sometime around October.