I just hope that the 360 can't handle it and goes res ring of death when you try and play the game I usually treat both consoles equally even though I own a PS3 but this incident has made my inner sony fanboy explode and also I am beginning to doubt the ps3's "superior" power and having paid double price for a console that I believed was better only to fing out that it's rival can somehow match up to it is infuriating
I don't really like the idea of charcters from the first 3 games they just didn't have anything special the warriors of light didn't even speak firion and the emperor were not much more memorable characters and its the same story with 3 the characters just really aren't special until FF4
everything I was going to say was said in the first comment though extra content would be nice but considering that dirge of cerbereus gave extra story and details and the fans didn't hate even if the game was bad some extra background wouldn't be too bad
easy if any of you read my comment in the FF4 vs FFA2 topic than you will know my answer dragoon and dark knight are my favorites but between the two it has to be dark knight
all the final fantasies before 7 aren't well known and when you get around the whole charlies angels theme whuich put off all my friends from playing it the battle system is quite good but i say 6 is the most underatted
the original ffA is the most played FF i own but FF4 is not only the first final fantasy I ever played but the first decent game I ever played I remenber going round a friends house when I was a kid and his cousin brought some unknown game called final fantasy 4 and I fell in love with it to the point that it has influenced myself to like anything that reminds me of it so dark knight and dragoon are always my favorite classes if I saw a screenshot of a game which even slightly reminded me of FF4 I had to buy it I even bought harry potter 2 on GB because when out of health the characters kneel and get stars around their heads like when the characters were low on health in FF4 and most importantly it turned me into a big Final Fantasy fan which led to me becoming a hardcore gamer making it a big event in my life ge I should write thjis on my blog because it is completly empty
that is very disturbing news the tv show isn't good so the game must be worse and if it is number one then either disney bought gamespot or the world has gone crazier
that is very disturbing news the tv show isn't good so the game must be worse and if it is number one then either disney bought gamespot or the world has gone crazier
fallout 3 far cry 2 little big planet killzone 2 resisent evil 5 final fantasy 13 and versus 13(but they will likely be out by 2010 with all thye other games square are making and the multi-platform and if 12 is anything to go by we are in for a long painful wait) red faction guerilla and wait a sec I only have enough cash for one game and can only get another one at christmas nooooooooooooo
nearly all of my games of which rpgs include KH KH2 FF1 FF2 FF3 FF9 FF10 FF10-2 FF12 Dragon Quest 8 FF12 revenant wings FF tactics advanced and golden sun 2 oh wait I did use a guide for the piano puzzle in FF10-2 but I will never use a guide unless the situation is hopeless or I have finished the game and want to find the secrets
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