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King CAWisma's Top 30 Best Movie Villains

My previous movie list (Top 20 Best Movies) has been put on hold. I felt that 20 just wasn't enough. Some names got moved further up, some further down, some removed completely, and some new additions. In time, the list may increase in size. So, here's the sequel to my list:

30.) Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter series) portrayed by Ralph Fiennes first appeared in 1997 (novel debut), 2000 (film debut) (User Comments: In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Ralph Fiennes joined the cast of the Harry Potter films as Lord Voldemort. His flawless performence reinstated Lord Voldemort as one of the most intimidating villains in film or literature history. I look foreward to seeing more of this excellence in the future.)

29.) Gozer (Ghostbusters) portrayed by Slavitza Jovan voiced by Paddi Edwards first appeared in 1984 (User Comments: No comments needed.)

28.) John Kreese and Terry Silver (The Karate Kid franchise) portrayed by Martin Kove (John Kreese), Thomas Ian Griffith (Terry Silver) first appeared in 1984 (Kreese) 1989 (Silver) (User Comments: Later, not now)

27.) Mason Verger (Hannibal) portrayed by Gary Oldman first appeared in 1999 (novels) 2001 (film) (User Comments: Gary Oldman gave an absolutely stunning performance as Mason Verger in Hannibal. The make-up guys sure did a good job making his face look so hideous and grotesque. And with the voice, I had to be told that it was him. He wasn't as good a villain as Buffalo Bill or Francis Dolarhyde, but he still deserves a spot on this list.)

26.) The Joker (Cesar Romero) (Batman franchise) portrayed by (obviously) Ceasar Romero first appeared in 1966 (User Comments: There will be three different Jokers on here because each one has a different personality. First let's do Ceasar Romero's. This Joker is more insane than evil. Like a demented Ronald McDonald. Romero didn't even shave his moustache while filming. Now that's evil.)

25.) Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) voiced by Richard White first appeared in 1991 (User Comments: This is a very different kind of Disney villain. He doesn't start off as the epitome of evil, or even as a villain. He just starts off as a jerk, egocentric and totally self-absorbed. It's funny because he's the kind of good-looking character you see save the day in Snow White or Sleeping Beauty, which makes him a great contrast with our real hero the Beast. Of course, as time goes on Gaston's greed and pride transforms him into an animal, where the Beast's patience and love transforms him into a prince. Gaston is funny while also being threatening, which in its own ways makes him into a more three-dimentional character. He's not evil just to be evil, he's just always used to getting what he wants and as a result, will continue to do anything to get it. Even evil horrible things. Funny, tough, and always getting his way, Gaston was somehow the essence of both prissiness and manliness at the same time.)

24.) Judge Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) voiced by Tony Jay first appeared in 1831 (novel) 1996 (film) (User Comments: I'm only focusingon the Disney version of Frollo becausethat version is probably the most well known. Where do I begin with this guy? He kills an innocent woman, tries to drown her baby, keeps him in a belltower, burns people alive, lusts over women, offers their freedom for sex, and all while claiming he's a good Christian. Frollo was a sinister creature, playing a religious judge who longs to purge the world of sin. He gets away with doing horrible, terrible things because he reasons with the people, and himself, that it's what God ultimately wants him to do. What a jerk! He was born with no soul, no heart, and no regrets. Frollo: Working on the dark side of the Cross.)























And the number 1 villain is.......
