I prefer to go by launch window than first day which benefits xbone really since titanfall isnt a launch title and is the biggest title coming out for the system out side of dead rising 3. in which ps4 has 50 titles set to launch before april. xbone only has 29. and yes 6 of the 50 titles are f2p. But if you ever played blacklight or Warthunder you would know thats not a bad thing. Those games are better than a lot of games people pay 60 dollars for so i mean isn't it better that they have top notch F2P games like that. I mean i feel like xbone fanboys are almost making me hate on there system when all i really wanted to do is prove torreth1 spouted off nonsense.
Oh and one more thing killzone is about to be epic. Lastest news is top notch.
PS4 has nearly double the number of titles to release before the launch window closes march 31st. The biggest xbox exclusives in that time are titanfall and dead rising. Both are timed exclusives with expected ps4 releases. There is a video leak already of EA developing titanfall on PS4. possibly project spark will be tight depending on what it is. Ryse is drawing hype also. PS4's big exlusives are Killzone, Driveclub, Knack, infamous, daylight, deepdown,. also console exclusives like F2P blacklight and Warthunder. Warframe is a tight looking timed exclusive for ps4. I mean thats only a fraction of the PS4 games that aren't releasing for the xbox one that have my interest peaked. There are just a lot more devs for PS4 at this point and time. so I mean it seems like your point of ps4 not having quality choices is based off of nothing.
All i know is I have to choose one for now. I am choosing PS4. Because Sony has done nothing but improve the playstation network over the years it went from a joke to a viable reason to buy a system. Xbox live was good from the get go but has allowed the gap between services to drastically close. On top of that I have two playstations 3's one is a 60 gb backwards compatible. I mean I have had that system since right near the start. That says something to me. just like i had 1 ps2 through the life of the system. I went through 2 xbox's, and lost one x360 to the red ring and didn't want to buy another since the issue was still out of control. I mean a couple of years ago they got it under control but the bulk of the systems life it was a huge issue. So simply the fact that xone maybe throwing away 500 dollars vs PS4 will likely come out and be a system that won't ever be replaced its enough to make up my mind on top of the exclusive IPs suit my tastes much better.
PS4 is impressive and has done a great job of reaching out to the core markets and to the developers. Xbone started out almost pushing away core fans of the system. Not good when uve had years to plan PR and the only reason why they didnt completely crash and burn is cuz they reversed all the original core policies
And as far as quality exclusives which takes away games like dance central 1,2,3, dance universe 1,2 things like that which nearly makes up 97 of xbox 360's 156 exclusive titles.if you look at gamerankings.com PS3 has 13 exclusive titles with a score of over 90 on average ratings on games with over 20 reviews done for them. of those 13 it has 9 different IPs. xbox 360 has 7 titles falling in that category with 4 different IPs. The highest rated exclusive on x360 is the original gears of war which is 93.97%. PS3 has 3 titles rated higher than that with 3 different IPs. Of 360's 7 3 are GOW and 2 are Halo. Oh and the game The Last of Us is one of the best console games ever made IMO simply incredible with a 95.05% avg rating to support that though thats not even the highest rated exclusive PS3 title.
Exclusives and past experience are enough to sway me to the PS4. With the X360 I had a red ring system to start sent it in 3 times with in a year and a half and then it was simply a brick after that. The second 360 I had was scratching my discs which not only did i have to send in the system. i had to play 40 bucks to replace 2 discs. After I got the system back I sold it and pretty much decided if i ever go back to xbox it will be well after the system has proven itself to be quality. Seeing as how my first original xbox suffered from constant disc read errors and the like.
My experience with xbox would lead people to believe i am bad with systems but in reality I still have a working NES, SNES, N64, 60 gig PS3 and a 500 gig white PS3. Until the xbone can come out and not have a rediculous 68% failure rate over its first 3 years
I like the xbone fanboys who try to say sony is trying to pull a fast one on everyone just saying their system is more powerful when microsoft in this article just said ps4 is more powerful by a substanial amount. Its actually what this artical is about.
Specs aren't the most important thing but they are important people are counting way to much on the could service making the system more than it is as a whole, but outside of that unless your a gears or a halo fan boy game wise ps4 has a lot more going for it especially since there is heavy talk of titanfall reaching the PS4 before its all said and done which to me is the coolest looking xbone game going. A lot more qaulity exclusive IPS for PS4 and Developers are eating up how together sony is that and the ability for them to meet supply and demand.
I think what I like most about the PS4 is that some of its best IPs have yet to annouce there inevitable PS4 exclusive titles and its library is already looking better.
KingChainz31684's comments