Tomorrow God of War is finally coming out. I've been semi-watching the game since they first started pouring info at us a little before E3 2004 last year. It seemed like it had promise, afterall, it was being developed by David Jaffe. Most people would agree, he's one of the more talented and dedicated game developers out there, but where he doesn't lack in quality, he lacks in quantity. That's fine for me, because as long as he keeps up the good-streak, he's going to have a place in gamers' hearts everywhere.
It wasn't until just three months ago, or whenever it was that I got the demo for the game. I was told about it by a friend of mine around here, Jaffe was holding a psuedo-contest for people interested in receiving the demo earlier than its release in retail. All we had to do was just email him saying, "hey, gimme the game!" and our addresses of course. Within one day the game arrived at my house, not only was that surprising as all hell, but it piqued my interest in the game a lot more -- based on customer service alone!
Expecting a Devil May Cry / Ninja Gaiden type game, I went in to it with decently high expectations. The game looked sharp, it sounded sharp, and it played sharp. From everything I gathered out of the demo, it seemed like not just a game that might be pretty damn cool when it came out, but a game that had game of the year quality written all over it. Not just in like pencil or something, but in a big fat black marker, you know, the kind that smells a little funny.
The demonstration that I got ahold of was the Hydra Battle, which I'm sure quite a few of you have gotten your grubby little hands on since then. It had the instant appeal that games like Devil May Cry did, but it also had the depth and difficulty of Ninja Gaiden. For some reason, it seemed too good to be true. This was just a demo, but I couldn't find anything I didn't like about it. This seemed like it had the potential quality to rank among the best in its class, ever.
I hate to sit here and hype the game so much, considering I've only played a demo, but when the demo is better than basically every other game in the genre that I've ever played in my life, you know something's up. Jaffe is renouned as being a great developer, he made the Twisted Metal series afterall, as far as I can tell, this is going to be his claim to fame from now on. I tell you, I can't wait 'till tomorrow. I'm forgoing my Best Buy discount just so I don't have to wait 'till Thursday, it looks that good.
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