I just got Dragon Age for xbox then one of my friends slapped me for not getting the pc version! I thought the xbox was quicker and more streamlined, got into a debate pc vs xbox and now he's not my friend anymore, the power of gaming...
When I bought the 360 for the Graphics I didn't realize it would turn into a drinking problem. Now this is the thing, when I game I sit in a dark room max out the surround and am Glued to my 40" in blistering 1080p when I play games such as Read Dead; I'm a hardcore gamer. Now I play games like this for 4+ hours straight every day cause once I start I can't stop, but this is my hobby & I love it. I may suck at Halo but I enjoy it and have fun everytime I play I'm not super competitve, i'm in the Recreation Club on LIVE, I just want a fun time to chill out and have some fun. When I play, especially now that it is summer, I drink a lot liquid, pop, juice, energy drinks, you name it, when I play. I have even gone through 4 Liters (~ 1 Gallon for my American friends) of pop on a Halo 3 All nighter once. Does anyone else have this problem? What should I do to get into a healthier habbit if that is possible to still get the buzz of cafeine & stay hydrated to keep me up gaming?; suggestions?
Everyone is hyping Reach (as they should be) to be an amazing game, but some confusion as this is may also be the 'final halo game'. This may be Bungie's last Halo but it sure as hell won't be the last Halo game ever made. I bet in 2 years you will see yet another Halo FPS made by a new developer. Who know's maybe it will be an even better shooter? We aren't done with Halo anytime soon folks!
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