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E3 2009 is over

Well, the E3 2009 it's over :/
But we have a fell game coming soon =D

Look at the coolest games - (Yes, is more one game list ._.)

Lost Planet 2
No More Heroes 2 (I f**** need this game *---*)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
The Conduit
Need For Speed Shift
Modern Warfare 2 (Ta certo dessa vez u_u)
Dead Rising 2
Final Fantasy XIII and XIV
Left 4 Dead 2 (This need be free)
Metal Gear Solid Rising (Finally The Xbox got a MGS game o/)
DJ Hero (Yeah, this game impressed me =o)
Brutal Legend (Hack n' Slash + Rock = Fun :D)
Crysis 2 (Well, the first its a PC Configuration Killer.... now with this sequel we need of more powerful pc o_o)
Crackdown 2 (I really like the first game)
Bioshock 2 (*-----*)
Singularity (Wooho Time Powers =D)
The Sabouter (AC + Nazi + Fire Weapons = The Sabouter =3)
Assassin's Creed 2

And Others o/

Team Fortress 2 Updates

A fell weeks, valve was relased a new update/pack to Team Fotress 2, the Sniper Vs. Spy Update.
This pack add 75 new achieviments, 1 new mode with a expecific map, 1 new map, fells gamaplays change, new hat and drop system and 6 New Achieviment Unlock Weapons (3 for The Spy and 3 for Sniper):

The new Sniper Weapons:

- The Huntsman (Replaces the Sniper Rifle)

The Huntsman

- The Razorback (Replaces the SMG):

The Razorback

- Jarate (Replaces The SMG):


And The 3 New Spy Weapons:

- The Cloack And Dagger (Replaces The Invisibility Watch)

Cloack And Dagger

- The Ambassador (Replaces The Revolver Magnum):

The Ambassador

- The Dead Ringer:

Dead Ringer

All 6 Weapons are very cool. Also, TF2 have the Medic, Pyro, Heavy and Scout Updates, everyone with 3 Weapons.
The Valve is Working in a new update and are coming soon :D


10 Most Wanted Games

Oh hail :D

Well, this E3 is very intresting o_o
A fell of great games for all plataforms. This is the top ten games most wanted for me o

1 - Bioshock 2 (PC)
2 - No More Heroes 2: Desesperate Strangle (Wii)
3 - Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
4 - Left 4 Dead 2 (PC)
5 - Resident Evil 5 (PC)
6 - Assassin's Cree 2 (PC)
7 - Crackdown 2 (X360)
8 - Metal Gear Solid Rising (X360)
9 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction (PC)
10 - Alan Wake (i hope to be relased soon @_@)

Bye ;D

L4D Survivor Pack

A new Left 4 Dead DLC is coming, the survivor pack \o/
This pack, go add the survivor mode, and 2 newcampaigns for the versus mode (Dead Air and Death Toll).

This Pack is coming in april, so lets wait :D

Omg! A Wii and games!

I got a wii this days :D
Its very cool and fun. With the wii, i got much games too :D

This is the Games:

- Madworld
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Wii Fit
- No More Heroes
- The House of The Dead Overkill
- Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl

And Others :D

Also, i have buyed CSS o
If You want play with me, add me :D

Cya :D

F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin *-----*

Finally! Finally!
I got the F.E.A.R. 2 for computer :D
Its really really cool, and very creepy o_o
Im my opinion, its better then first version, and more scary @___@
The action sequences is very cool and the suspense... well... VERY scary O_O

My Score for F.E.A.R. 2: 9.5

cya :0

Goodbye Xbox 360.

Well, this days, my xbox got the 1RL Error 74 T___T
This is very, very bad :/
Now, im without xbox 360... because there is no chance to fix this T___T

Goodbye :0

3 New Games for X360

Hello, i got 3 new games for X360.

- Fable II - a good RPG, with a poor story, but in all, is great.
- Fallout 3 - Another Great RPG from Bethesda Softwares.
- Gears of War 2 - Better when the first game, and a good action. But is very repetitive.

And i got too a XFX 9800 GTX *---*
Finally Crysis in Very High 8D

Well cya! .

New/Old Games

Well,a got new games for X360. All are very cool.
Here is my games:

º Pure: My Score- 9.0/GS Score- 8.5

A amazing racing game, great sound and gameplay.

º Silent Hill: Homecoming: My Score - 8.5/GS Score- None

Cool game, with a Real Silent Hill atmosphere and good Movimentation, but not Scary.

º Mercenaries 2 World in Flames: My Score- 8.0/GS score- 5.0

Good Open World game, imensive, and... Bugged.

º Rock Band 2: My Score- 9.0/GS Score- 8.5

More and More cool songs, but is like Rock Band 1, no much news.

º Saint's Row 2: My Score- 8.5/GS Score- 8.0

Is better then the first game of the serie.

º Dead Space: My Score- 10/GS Score- 9.0

Incredible game, the gameplay is good, and new inovation menus.

Blog V3 is Done! And GamespotWide Coments.

Well, hello =D, i finaly make the thrid version of blog \o
I will make new Reviews, New Gameplay Videos and more. Is very simple but, cool ;D Enjoy!
And the last thing, the GamespotWide!
Is perfect *-* Very, Very perfect! The Design of the Site is pretty cool! =D
Very better than last design.

Well, im go! Cya =D