I have a PC that can run and mostly max any game. I also have PS3 and 360. I play on PC 99% of the time. Consoles feel like a step-down for me although the console exclusives are very good which is why I have the consoles!
KingOfLems' forum posts
[QUOTE="The_Game21x"][QUOTE="Plagueless"] Framerate is higher on PC, and that DOES affect your enjoyment. Games are much more enjoyable when they're butter smooth.
True story.
After playing games at 60fps on the PC, going back to 30fps console games is a big downgrade.
you caught his stupidity..... its spreading! whats next 60 fps movies make you cringe to go back to 30 or 24 fps movies?Seriously? There's no possible way you're this dumb. You've gotta be the biggest blind fanboy on this site and we are all dumber from reading your posts, congrats.
I just picked up FH for $15 at Walmart on Thursday night. I have yet to play the game and I may never play it, but for $15 I couldn't resist.
You guys are all supremely stupid for arguing over something so irrelevant and mentally-deficient. It's pretty easy: Next-gan starts when next MS and Sony systems are released. PS3 will have out-sold the 360 by then but both fall far short of the Wii. Fighting over second place is the dumbest thing. I'd rather read more posts from Saolin, that guy was pro.
PC version is pretty great so far. Normally I hate CoD with a passion but I'm enjoying this one so far. Still hate getting back-raged and sometimes I make them dumbest decisions. :cry:
I have a high end PC, I can play battlefield 3 maxed out 1080P 60FPS so it has nothing to do with my PC, I luv PC gaming. But this game is better off purchased on consoles in it's current state and way bigger player base.[QUOTE="Jankarcop"]
get a better PC, plebian.
I'm pissed at the lag and it's not just me the whole room in multiple matches was talking about how bad it is atm.
You must have poor internet as I have no problems with lag playing on a 15/1 connection. I did have some gpu lag but that was solved by turning a few features off which were lagging my paltry 460 768mb ancient gpu.
When did this thread turn into a conspracy theory thread?Jeff was fired because of an inexperience review/ad team on GS that couldn't handle the pressures of publishers withdrawing ad money from the site.Jeff's firing happened not just because of one review, but multiple reviews posted by reviewers on GS review team.And that GS app has nothing to do with Fable the Journey getting an 8.0 because the app has the same use as the IGN app on XBL.People can use it as an easy way to get their gaming news on GS.And that xbl subscription deal involving the app is just a little incentive to get the app.Now please stop acting like idiots cows because it's embrassing for your faction.
I wish I lived in your world. We are all fools if we don't believe for one second that reviews are bought and paid for all the time. It's the nature of the beast we call society and there's way too much money to be lost by having poor reviews for a game that cost millions to produce. Granted, it's not everyone who does this but I'm willing to bet it has become entirely commonplace with most devs/publishers.
I know reviewers may be bought but using reasons like an app for the xbox360 are not real reasons.:lol:
My apologies if I mis-construed something. I know nothing about this app you speak of. I just know reviews are often bought and paid for. It's laughable people use reviews as ownage against other people especially when those reviews may have been paid for. No company is going to risk millions in losses when they can cut a 10k check and make sure their game is reviewed well. Certain companies moreso than others obviously but the entire world works this way, it's foolishness to believe the multi-billion dollar video game industry doesn't follow the same trend.
When did this thread turn into a conspracy theory thread?Jeff was fired because of an inexperience review/ad team on GS that couldn't handle the pressures of publishers withdrawing ad money from the site.Jeff's firing happened not just because of one review, but multiple reviews posted by reviewers on GS review team.And that GS app has nothing to do with Fable the Journey getting an 8.0 because the app has the same use as the IGN app on XBL.People can use it as an easy way to get their gaming news on GS.And that xbl subscription deal involving the app is just a little incentive to get the app.Now please stop acting like idiots cows because it's embrassing for your faction.
I wish I lived in your world. We are all fools if we don't believe for one second that reviews are bought and paid for all the time. It's the nature of the beast we call society and there's way too much money to be lost by having poor reviews for a game that cost millions to produce. Granted, it's not everyone who does this but I'm willing to bet it has become entirely commonplace with most devs/publishers.
you brought it up. i'm curious. why bring it up if you don't care?
You seem to exhibit mild symptoms of someone who has an authoritiarian personality.
You can learn more about it here: Authoritarian Personality - Influence & Personality Psychology...
Bear in mind I said mild, not full blown like the one the link is referring to in some segments.
Dude you are the worst poster here. You take this place too serious and are most likely telling us the disorders you suffer from.Pot calling the kettle black with this post. Every time I come here you're trashing the Ps3 and it's fans. For as much as you post, I wonder if you actually get any game-playing in.
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