A Wii !!!
by KingPhill1234 on Comments
So... I got a Wii! I just bought a used wii from a friend who didnt like it (he prefers PS3) and wanted more than the store was going to offer. I also got his Twilight Princess and I went out first thing and bought a controller. The Wii is my first console since the PS1, which I gave up 8 years ago, so I was very excited! Needless to say, TP was great, and the graphics, while maybe not HD, were still stunning compared to the DS and PC games I'd been playing. Likewise, I bought a Gamecube controller and some gamecube games... guess which ones: LoZ Collectors Disc, and Windwaker. No suprise :D . Anyway, I've been enjoying Ocarina of Time (though the graphics are disappointing after playing TP) and Windwaker, which, while the cel-shading is a little comicbookish, still looks lots better than OoT. My only frustration is my inability to manage the sidle action. I read about it in the manual, and tried it on Outset Island, but I never succeeded, and now I'm stuck in Fortress Island where you HAVE to sidle across the ledge to proceed. Oh well eventually I'll get the hang of it (unless its my controller's problem: hitting the A button seems to scroll through several pages of text unless I'm really light-fingered.) I figure if I don't catch onto sidling, I'll just cool it and play OoT or Majora's Mask for a change. My next games I buy will probably be GC because they are cheaper and I've missed so many hit games. Feel free to make some suggestions, I'm looking at Metroid next, but I'm open to comments.
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